There are times when we are really tired or so down that we don’t want to work and we can make up anything just not to be at work. Our excuses might have been the silliest ones and we might have even changed our voice to a faint one just to make our boss believe that we were sick or ill. We just forget that people read us and can tell when we are telling the truth or not.

In this case, the boss wants us to think that he believes what we tell him when, in fact, he knows the truth. Horses are no different and what we are going to watch in this video is a smart horse who pretends to be dead every time his owner approaches and tries to ride him.

He crumbles to the ground and plays dead but when he sees that no one is around he just springs to life. The owner even thought to trick him with carrots as he dropped carrots next to him but even this attempt failed to make him stand up when the owner was around.

The clever horse has outsmarted the owner and as soon as he walks away the horse can’t let go such a delicious treat. When everything looks quiet and no one is near up he goes and starts eating the carrots. Maybe, this is just part of a training but even if it is we should give credits to both the trainer and the smart horse.
Have a look at the following video for more, let us know your thoughts on the video, and do not forget to spread out the video on social media with your friends and family in order to make them laugh as well.