Very frequently I keep saying how intelligent horses really are and I am pretty sure that a lot of you will point out that I have said this a lot and you already know it, however, I would like every single person to know, even the ones that are not involved in the horse world to understand how smart these creatures really are. When it comes to beauty and power, horses are one of the most recognized animals for that and it is said that their intelligence is so underrated while they are very smart.
Horses can do things that exceed our expectation, I myself have underrated them in the past until I saw some very amazing videos that proved their intelligence. I mean, it is amazing to think that they are able to open the stable doors all by themselves or that some of them can do basic math calculations; this, and even more. This horse in the video below is doing a very clever thing as well.
The horse, Sydney, thinks with his feet as he takes an ambitious route over the bank too skinny on his way to a clear round at South of England CIC. The horse misjudges the jump but he recovers so perfectly and it seems like he acted on purpose and as if saying “Yeah I meant to do that.” Even though he misjudged the jump he showed to be a really good boy by taking care of both his rider and himself. Literally, he saved both out of what could have been a really bad fall.
He was very clever and sneaky and he knew what he was doing. Sydney shows that she really is a strong horse and she must have a lot of strength in his upper body and back to pull that off. Sometimes, it takes only one intelligent horse and you as a horse rider can conquer the world and this is definitely the example of that. Please have a look at the video below and let us know what you think about this amazing recovery. If you think that this is worth sharing with your friends, feel free to do so.