There are many beautiful horses all over the world, but when it comes to Friesian horses, they have a special place in our hearts. There’s something special about these horses that make us fall in love as soon as we see one. In fact, it’s not only humans that adore Friesian horses. We have seen many videos on different horse forums that show other creatures admiring Friesian horses, such as other horses, dogs, or even cows. It’s difficult not to fall in love with them due to the wonderful qualities they possess.

Their luminous coat and noble movements make him an excellent horse in the show ring whilst his loving character and gentle behavior please his human mates in the stable or at different competitions. Although the past few years they have become more popular than they used to be, the Friesian horse is still considered a special and mysterious breed in most of the countries.

Despite that fact, they continue to be very popular in The Netherlands. About 7% of the entire horse population in the Netherlands is Friesian horses. It is a remarkable improvement done these last few years, considering the fact that this breed was once near extinction.

In the video shown below, you are going to see a beautiful Friesian horse who is walking proudly on nature. Some people may even say that he looks a little bit arrogant but he can’t help himself looking just like a goddess with his excellent body structure and his bright hair. Enjoy the video!