Lucky, a 20-year-old Paso Fino horse, lived up to her name when she narrowly escaped death after falling into a sinkhole in San Fernando Valley, California. The incident occurred while her owner, Maria Lastre, was riding her in the backyard. Suddenly, the ground beneath them gave way, plunging Lucky into the muddy trap. The sinkhole swallowed Lucky up to her neck, leaving her stuck in a tight hole with Maria thrown off in the chaos. Juan Lastre, Maria’s husband, initially thought Lucky had merely tripped, but it soon became apparent that the situation was far more dire, as Lucky sank deeper into the ground.
Maria managed to dismount and scramble to safety, but Lucky was left trapped with only her head and neck visible above the mud. Juan attempted to free her but quickly realized the task was beyond their capabilities, prompting him to call for help. A significant rescue operation ensued, involving 61 firefighters, Animal Services staff, and Sanitation Department workers. They arrived with an excavator and began the delicate task of excavating the trapped horse. Initially using shovels, they soon escalated to heavier equipment under the guidance of LAFD Captain Erik Scott, who noted that keeping Lucky calm was a critical part of the rescue effort.
The rescue was a tense, three-hour operation that required the construction of a trench to prevent the backfill of soil into the sinkhole. Firefighters and rescuers worked meticulously to stabilize the area around Lucky, ensuring that the sinkhole did not worsen. Eventually, they managed to secure a harness around Lucky and carefully hoisted her to safety. Despite being caked in mud and suffering a minor gash on her leg, Lucky was able to trot away from the ordeal, much to the relief of her owners and the rescue team.
In the aftermath, Lucky was bathed and returned to her stable where she could rest and recover. She was fed carrots and monitored closely to ensure no further injuries manifested. Meanwhile, Maria Lastre, who sustained a chest injury from the incident, expressed immense relief and gratitude that Lucky’s legs weren’t damaged, considering the time spent in the cramped conditions. Juan Lastre speculated that recent heavy rainstorms and a possible broken pipe might have contributed to the formation of the sinkhole, highlighting the unforeseen dangers that can arise in even the most familiar environments.