If we talk about horses, they are one of the most talented species out there. It is incredible when you think about what horses are capable of, even things that humans would never expect. People who work really hard to bring the best out of their horses have demonstrated that with a little persistence, you can unlock an incredible potential that horses have in them. Let’s take the example of the pony at America’s Got Talent.

Would you ever expect a horse to be able to make all those math calculations so effortlessly? Even primary school children struggle a lot to get the results correct while for him it seemed like the easiest thing in the world. Not only calculations, but they are even able to open their stable doors or remove their bridles from their bodies.

All of these skills that I mentioned are not as usual, but there are some other skills that you can find in a lot of horses, which is endurance and speed, something that you will be able to see by this sassy horse below. You’ll agree with us that it is all about the adrenaline when you gallop a horse at high speed.

Thanks to these amazing riders we can experience the energy while galloping and really feel the fun as this video has been taken with a GoPro camera. It is a great chance for all of us who didn’t have a chance to ride a horse at full speed. I do believe that an amazing job has been done while recording this video as it truly shows how great this horse is. Please have a look and let us know what you think about it.