Talking about different animals all around the world, the majority of the same individuals within a species do not differ much in size from each other, including humans as well. The difference between the tallest and the shortest human in the world is not as big as it can be for horses. There are hundreds…
Young Girl Proves Everyone That She’s An Amazing Barrel Racer
A lot of children all around the world find their passions when they are at a very young age, while there are a lot of adults who are not happy with what they are currently doing, meaning that they have not yet found what they like to do. That’s why I consider the first group…
Mare Becomes Strong As Her Owner Begs Her To Stay In This World
The story below is one of the most emotional stories that I have come across. It is proof of an amazing bond between the horse and the owner. Sometimes we speak highly of the horse owner relationship and fail to demonstrate how much do the horse owners actually love their horses and vice versa and…
Supporting Horse Is Always There For Her Blind Horse Friend
Being born with a disability is not the easiest thing in the world. It is way more difficult for these people to follow their passions and live a normal life, it takes a lot of courage and optimism that a lot of these people have found and have managed to live their lives in a…
8 Significant Reasons Why Everyone Should Own A Horse
Horses are some of the most amazing creatures who have helped people in more ways than we could ever imagine. They are large and powerful animals who may look scary but on the contrary, they are very friendly and have the potential of giving people the strength to overcome anxiety and improve self-esteem that is…
Footage Shows Why This Ungrateful Rider Clearly Doesn’t Deserve To Stay Around Horses
Although all the equestrian community has done tremendous work to educate people towards animal abuse and how important it is to treat horses right, there are still a lot of people who work with horses and clearly don’t know how to behave around them. Needless to say, they don’t deserve to be around horses and…
Little Boy And His Adorable Foal Are BFFs And Can’t Stop Playing Around Together
There is nothing more adorable and cute than watching children playing kindly with animals without thinking about any differences they may have. In the digital age that we’re living, most parents struggle a lot with their children because they want to stay on their tablets and gaming devices all the time and don’t know that…
Showering Your Horse: Is This Guy Doing It Right?
For humans taking a shower, it’s the most relaxing part of their day and they look forward to it, but we can’t say the same thing for animals, especially horses. All horse owners know that it’s not that an easy activity to wash your horses because sometimes they aren’t in the right mood for it…
Horse And Owner Display Their Daily Morning Routine
Are you the type of person who sets the alarm early in the morning and then keeps postponing the alarm? A lot of types we feel very tired to get up early in the morning as do not feel mentally prepared for a long day full of tasks that need to be finished. That’s basically…
Miniature Horse Proves Everyone He’s A Big Champion
People in the horse world have different opinions about which one of the breeds is their favorite one. There are hundreds of horse breeds all over the world and the most beautiful part about it is the fact that the majority of them are all so different from each other. You would think that horses…