What is the moment when we get to appreciate our lives more? It happens when we see someone passing away and then we realize how short our life is. The majority of people tend to complain about the things that they don’t have instead of appreciating all the things they have. We think that our…
Owner Thought Horse Would Be A Threat For The Little Koala But It Turns Out Differently
A lot of times we tend to create an immediate opinion about the things we see by believing what is obvious, however, it frequently happens that we might be wrong. Maybe it might look like an overreaction, but it might be the reason why a lot of conflicts happen. In some cases, we believe the…
Goose And Horse Have One Of The Most Beautiful Friendships Out There
During our lives, we make a lot of friendships and it is indeed amazing when you think about how these friendships are created. Some of them come from similar interests that you might have with someone, others come from spending a lot of time together. For example, you might have spent a lot of years…
Sassy Pony Refuses To Ride And Plays Around With The Little Rider
I think we all agree that when we were kids, everyone’s dream was to have a pony. Even though these wonderful creatures are considered to be the same as horses, there are a lot of features that make them different from each other. Ponies can be quite mischievous and stubborn sometimes, but children simply love…
7 Fascinating Facts About The Gypsy Vanner Horse
I’m pretty sure everyone recognizes a Gypsy Vanner Horse as soon as they see one because they are definitely some of the most unique horse breeds in the world. It’s a domestic horse that originates from the British Isles. It’s often multicolored or skewbald, not very big in stature, but solidly formed. It was given…
Incredible Friesian Horse Is One Of The Most Gorgeous Horses In The World
Horses are undoubtedly some of the beautiful creatures in the world and the horse breed that represents their beauty perfectly is definitely the Friesian horse. It is one of the most beloved breeds in the world and is listed amongst the most radiant horses. We can’t blame anyone who owns a Friesian horse for wanting…
Hilarious Man Decides To Take A Nap With His Lovely Horse
What is one of the things that people love the most? Well, the most obvious answer would be food, but I am pretty sure that there is also a considerable number of people who would say sleep. A lot of people, especially after jumping into adulthood and leading towards their elderly years are really busy…
Smart Horse Takes Off His Halter And Regrets Doing It
If someone asks me which animal is the smartest animal in the world, I would definitely say horses. As an animal lover, I have spent a lot of time around different animals, however, I have never met an animal as intelligent as horses. They show their intelligence in a lot of ways. Sometimes, they do…
Horse And Rider Make Challenging Save While Passing The Difficult Obstacle
Very frequently we get to see a lot of incredible horse performances on tv or on the internet if we refer to the current situation, probably on a daily basis, as people have to be self quarantined at home due to the critical situation with Coronavirus that has taken the world. Unfortunately, we can’t go…
Horses Entertain The Crowd With Perfectly Synchronised Movements
As the days go and the majority of people all around the world are locked inside their house, we are in a horse videos marathon during such a period of time in which we are living. Of course, everything that we do is for our own safety and most importantly, for the safety of our…