A lot of times, the mimics of a person can tell us really much about him/her, it is an impression that helps us create an opinion on what we have in front of us. The same thing happens with animals as well but for them, mimics are even more insightful. People are more intelligent and…
Man Shows His Unique Method To Get On His Horse
I am pretty sure that almost all of you spend a considerable amount of time with horses. The time spent with horses is totally a time worth spending. Since the day that horses entered our lives, more specifically in our hearts, we want to include them as much as we can in our other daily…
Lucky Rider Falls Off Her Horse But Manages To Get Back On Her Feet
We have said it many times that falling off your horse is something that has happened to every rider, from the amateur to the most talented ones. If you have ever ridden a horse in your life, you know that falling off a horse is unavoidable and at some point, it’s going to happen to…
Three-Legged Miniature Horse Gets A Prosthetic Leg So She Can Be Like Other Horses
One of the things that horses love the most in their lives is to run happy and free and taking that away from them is indeed horrible. We have seen horses in luxury hotels where they seemed so depressed because they probably did not walk or run anywhere for days and weeks, which is something…
Mare Coming From A Difficult Life Adopts An Orphaned Baby Lamb
Some of the most beautiful stories in the animal world come from animals with difficult lives. Animals can go through a lot, especially because of human behavior. We have seen a lot of cases of animal abuse and I really can’t believe how cruel people can be. They must have immense inner anger in their…
Dog With A Cool Personality Gets His Lazy Horse Friend Moving
What is one of the things that we need to be the most grateful in life? Well, we should be grateful for all of the things we have, however, we need to know that the most important people in our lives are our family members and friends. A lot of times in life, we are…
Draft Mare Gives Birth To Rare Twin Foals
One of the most beautiful moments in the animal world, especially when it comes to horses, is seeing them give birth to their babies. This is a privilege that animal owners have. Of course, the majority of them prefer not to breed their animals for a difficult reason, one which is not affording to have…
Pony Goes A Long Way To Become A World Champion
Very often life puts us in a lot of difficult situations that we have to go through but such challenges that we face are what makes us come back stronger and continue with our lives no matter what has happened. In life, there should be a balance between all the things happening, there is no…
Gentle Pony Helps Little Girl Who Falls Off After Fence Jump
I think we all can agree that ponies are some of the most adorable creatures and everyone, especially kids, love to own one. Ponies are more petite breeds of horses and have all of the features and natures of regular-sized horses. Although there are more than 200 breeds of ponies all over the world, the…
10 Fascinating Facts About The American Quarter Horse
The American Quarter Horse stands amongst the oldest horse breeds and is considered to be the second most famous breed in the world after Arabian horses. According to the American Quarter Horse Association, there are about 2.82 million American Quarter Horses all over the world. The breed’s popularity arises from its many positive traits, such…