A lot of times, we try to emphasize the fact that horses are completely different from each other as there is a tendency from people who bound them to the fact that they are beautiful animals, however, horses are much more than that. Personality-wise, they are completely different from each other and you might be…
Large Clydesdale Horse Gets Excited When Owner Takes Him To The Beach
We are at the end of March and I am pretty sure that a lot of you are waiting for the end of the situation in the world right now with COVID-19, which has disrupted the normal flow of life all over the world. We are all hoping that this situation ends as soon as…
This Is How To Get A Herd Of Horses Moving
I am pretty sure that there are a lot of people here whose horses are lazy. No matter how hard you try and what you do, it can be impossible to get them moving. Sometimes, all they would do is lay on the ground and either sleep or wait for their owners to feed them….
10 Fascinating Facts About The Giant Gentle Clydesdale Horses
The Clydesdale horse is one of the most popular breeds all over the world due to his beauty, gentle and peaceful nature. They are large, powerful and noble draft horses that were first descended from draught horses in the province of Clydesdale in Scotland. They were considered very endangered but due to all the efforts…
Amazing Compilation Featuring The Most Beautiful Friesian Horses In The World
It’s always a pleasure to watch different compilations of horses over the internet, but the compilation posted in the video below will definitely make your day better because it features some of the most beautiful horses in the world: Friesian horses. We can’t stop talking and watching videos featuring Friesian horses because they look just…
Rider Puts Himself And His Horse In A Dangerous Situation By Jumping Into A Truck
We are used to seeing horses in all sorts of situations from the usual situations to the weirdest ones and just when we think that nothing can surprise us anymore, a new unusual video comes up on the internet and leaves us all surprised. Horses seem to have the ability to always put themselves in…
Beautiful Foal Is Full Of Energy And Can’t Stop Playing Around
Foals are undoubtedly the cutest creatures on earth and it’s always a pleasure to stand beside them and watch them grow. During the first months of their life, foals rely totally on their mother to feed them, to stay with them and to provide them everything, that’s why they are always seen near their mothers….
Group Of Horse Riders Records One Of The Most Beautiful Horse Rides Ever
If I ask you the question of what is the first thing that you are going to do after the situation with COVID-19 gets stable, I am pretty sure that the majority of you will be excited to go for a ride with your horse. It is something that all of us miss during these…
Rider Tries His Best To Not Fall From His Horse’s Back
All of us spend a lot of time riding horses on a daily basis, it is one of the activities that we like doing the most during our free time and for some people who work full time or who are occupied with a lot of things, it is a real struggle to find some…
Meet Paterna and Patria, The Arabian Twins With A Unique Beauty
Every day on the internet we get to see a lot of amazing horses, one more beautiful than the other. As you might have noticed, we love from time to time bringing different individuals of different horse breeds that represent the whole breed in the best way possible. Let’s take Friesians for example. They are…