We are used to seeing kind humans rescuing and saving animals’ lives but it doesn’t happen often to see animals of the same kinds helping each other and doing everything to save each other’s life. But that’s exactly what happened in the United Kingdom after a beautiful Shire horse named Bea saved the life of…
6 Interesting Facts About The Haflinger Horse You Probably Didn’t Know!
The Haflinger is a breed identified amongst all other horse breeds for its long, gorgeous mane, beautiful coats, and gentle disposition. They are known in the whole world for their unique color and character. The Haflinger horses are also named “golden horse with the golden heart”, which gives us a lot of information about them….
Talented Horse Trainer Demonstrates The Incredible Work He Does With Horses!
Horse training is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding jobs in the horse industry. Many people undervalue horse trainers and think that their job is very easy compared to other horse-related jobs. I believe that this is a misconception only spread by non-horse people because I’m pretty sure all equestrians don’t agree with it….
Incredible Clip Of Talented Rider And Horse Jumping Rope!
Horse owners know that spending quality time with your horse is one of the most pleasant things to do and that they appreciate every second they spend with horses. But let’s be honest, sometimes you run out of ideas and just don’t know how to spend your free time with horses. Things tend to be…
Horse Impresses Everyone With His Unusual Way To Escape!
Do you all miss horse riding? I am pretty sure that a lot of you do as in the times that we are living right now when we need to be quarantined due to a threatening virus that the whole world is struggling against. Every single person is limited from his/her favorite activities as all…
Horse Loves His Job More Than Anything In The World!
During their lives, people who are really searching for their dream and are in hopes of making it come true, spend a lot of time experimenting with different things until the right thing comes. There are people who do not find their passions until the day they day as they are people who find their…
Greedy Horse Wants The Hay Only For Himself
I believe a lot of you have been in the situation when you have to share food that you really like with others. When we were young, a lot of us were very difficult to convince to share food with other children. We might have the same feeling now as adults, but we are mature…
Silly Horse Tries Out Bell Boots For The Very First Time!
One of the things that we and a lot of people in the horse world keep saying is how unexpected our horses are. We do believe that our horses’ behavior is easily predictable but time has shown that the reality is actually far away from that. I don’t know what you think but this is…
Reiner And Jumper Switch Disciplines And Prove Everyone That They Can Do Both
A lot of times we hear the advice that we should go after things which we are really good at. We might be good in a lot of things but due to the dedication that one thing may need, we need to sacrifice the time for something at that we are really good at but…
Cute Compilation Shows Why Gypsy Vanners Are Some Of The Most Beautiful Horses Around!
There is not a single horse person who doesn’t recognize a Gypsy Vanner as soon as they see one because they are absolutely some of the most unique horses in the world. They are difficult to ignore due to their astonishing physique and perfect features. You can instantly recognize this exceptional horse breed because of…