All equestrians know that it’s very rare for a horse to give birth to twins and sadly, even when it occurs, only one of them may survive. Mares actually conceive twins very usually, but on very rare occasions both embryos survive. The chances for both foals to get out alive are very low because they…
Extraordinary Breed: The Beauty And Grace Of A Gypsy Vanner Horse
I believe every horse enthusiast recognizes a Gypsy Vanner horse as soon as they see one because they are some of the most unique horses with a remarkable appearance. Due to their magical beauty, they manage to steal everyone’s attention wherever they are. But people have fallen in love with these beautiful horses not only…
10 Unique Horses That Might Be The Next Fairytale Characters
All around the world, there are hundreds of horse breeds and all of them are unique, however, these horses below seem unreal, you can tell that they come straight from fairytales. Let’s get to see them one by one. 1) Appaloosa is an American horse breed best known for its colorful spotted coat pattern. There…
Equestrian Explains Why Cleaning Her Horse’s Stall Is The Best Part Of Her Day
As horse people, we all know what it takes to take care of a horse properly. It looks like an easy thing to do but it is actually not, it takes quite a lot of your time. One of the most tiring moments is when after a long day of work, you have to shower…
The Story Of Eclipse, The Wonder Horse That Changed Racing More Than Three Centuries Ago
In our community, we usually post a lot of recent videos whose main focus is horses and we rarely bring very old content here. With old, I do not mean stories from the previous decade nor the last few decades, with old I mean centuries and the story that you are about to read comes…
Inspiring Horse Rider Shares Her Unique Story About The Horse She Couldn’t Ride
One of the worst feelings in the world is being rejected, when people do not accept you for what you are so you end up being alone. What is even worse is when this happens to someone who is going through difficult times and this person does not have a shoulder to cry on. The…
Rescue Mare Becomes One Of The Most Successful Horses
Every person in the world works so hard to achieve a goal that he/she has. You may set a lot of goals in life, however, one is certainly more important than the other ones. You may reach that success or you may not, no matter what, what is most important is what you learn on…
Cute Video Shows Adorable Foal Sleeping Peacefully
For a horse owner, there’s nothing more precious than watching their horse sleeping peacefully. Sleep is vital and to make sure that horses sleep well is a big part of animal health. By only keeping a horse in a stable, we’re preventing the animal’s natural behavior, that’s why we must know how horses get sufficient…
8 Fascinating Facts About The Majestic Lusitano Horse
The Lusitano Horse is one of the most fantastic horses around. Not only they are very beautiful and elegant but they also possess incredible honor and intelligence. The impact that these horses have had on people throughout all their history was fundamental. Over the years, people have relied on this breed to transport soldiers into…
Horses Walk Peacefully On The Snow Delivering A Stunning View
There is not a single horse enthusiast who doesn’t appreciate Knabstrupper horses.This adorable horse breed is recognized mostly due to its remarkable fully spotted leopard coat that they possess. If you observe them from a distance, they may look like a group of giant leopards wandering around in nature. But they are kind horses and…