Riding is one of the most incredible activities that give you an immense sense of freedom and power. For all the equestrians horses are the reason they get outside of their homes and offices and go back in ‘nature’. Riding is one of the many ways horses make us encounter new things and guide us…
Tiny Dog Is So Proud To Ride A Horse All By Himself
Which is the most popular animal duo on the internet? Well, the answer is clear, dogs and horses. There are hundreds of combinations that you can find online and I agree the majority of them are so cute, however, It is really difficult to top this one. The reason why there is such chemistry between…
Beautiful Dwarf Horse Loves Playing With The Leaf Blower The Whole Day
If someone asks you what is the most adorable thing in the world, I am pretty sure that a lot of you will say miniature horses. Not like the usual horses are not adorable, but there is something special about this miniature creature and it is probably their size and their cute mimics. They have…
Young Girl Attempts The Cutest Horse Impression Ever For Her Dad
One of the things that I am happiest about is when I see young children who love animals. As all of us know, there are a lot of issues going on regarding animal welfare due to the way adults treat animals. As it is very difficult to convince adults that what they are doing is…
Inspiring Horse Loves His Life Despite Being Blind
I believe it is very difficult for someone who was either born with a disability or has gotten a disability during his/her life. Nobody can understand it unless he/she is experiencing it itself. The reason why life is difficult for them is that they have a lot of limitations that might prevent them from doing…
Adorable Baby Bulldog Takes Her Friend For A Relaxing Stroll
Every day, we get to see a lot of adorable animals who share their feelings for each other, whether they are the same species or not. I even believe that such beautiful connections between animals are even more beautiful than between people simply for the fact that animals are really pure and are mostly filled…
Horseman And His Beautiful Black Horses Deliver A Spectacular Performance At Dublin Horse Show
All equestrians know that working with horses is one of the most rewarding yet one of the most challenging things in the world. Horse trainers say that there are days where they feel like they will never reach their goals, but their hope and passion is what keeps them going. They surely haven’t chosen an…
Tremendous Power: One Belgian Draft Horse Against 18 Strong Men
I believe most of the equestrians recognize Belgian Draft Horses as soon as they see one due to their large stature and unique muscular build. They were bred for their strength and have been used for many decades to help humans do all sorts of heavy lifting and pulling. Belgian Draft horses are adapted to…
8 Interesting Facts About Fjord Horse You Probably Didn’t Know
Fjord Horse is definitely one of the purest breeds that still exist nowadays. You can definitely spot this breed from a long distance only by looking at his excellent small figure and his creamy coat color. Its natural habitat may play a part in its size as it originates from the mountain regions of Scandinavia….
Appaloosa Horse, The Unique Colorful Horse With Prehistoric Roots
With their beautiful spots and loving personality, it’s impossible not to fall in love with an Appaloosa horse. They are recognized for their remarkable spots, but there is so much more to this awesome horse that you probably didn’t know. Appaloosas have the whites of their eyes visible, which makes this breed even more fantastic…