The baby foals have to be one of the most adorable things in the world. Of course, it is true that you can do a lot of things with a fully-grown horse, however, during the growing up process, these amazing foals are very energetic and curious to know a lot of things, which is also…
Rare Filly Takes Her First Steps Outside With Her Caring Mom
From time to time we decide to show you different videos that demonstrate how protective mares are when it comes to their little beloved babies. It is always a really heartfelt moment and a unique feeling to observe the most important love there is in the world: the genuine love that a mother has for…
Meet Harvey: An Amazing Jumping Donkey
There are a lot of misconceptions regarding donkeys, but the truth is that they are very smart animals and have shown their capacity in different situations. They are often recognized as headstrong animals but this is only because of their advanced sense of self-control. We have said very often that donkeys don’t always get the…
Mother Horse Decides To Teach Her Newborn Baby The First Lessons
In the cozy confines of a stable stall, a remarkable story unfolds with the birth of Waltzing Quest SGH, a spirited young Haflinger stud colt. Quest’s introduction to the world, just a few hours after his birth, is a captivating tale of maternal wisdom and a foal’s innate curiosity, all set against the backdrop of…
Stubborn Horses Show Their Personality By Turning The Event Into A Total Chaos
In an extraordinary display of defiance and personality, a group of horses recently turned a conventional show into an uproarious spectacle, offering viewers an unexpected treat. The video capturing this moment serves as a hilarious yet thought-provoking reminder of the wild and untamed nature inherent in these majestic creatures. As the camera rolls, it becomes…
Dreamy Horse Starts Sleep-Talking While Herd Members Stay Guard
In an extraordinary display of equine behavior, a recent YouTube video posted by BVIRAL captures a heartwarming and rare moment – a beautiful horse, deeply asleep in a pasture, exhibiting what appears to be ‘sleep talking.’ This serene scene, set in the tranquility of nature, reveals the often-unseen depth of animal emotions and social bonds….
Friesian Mare Takes Her Adopted Foal Outside For The First Time
In the serene pastures of the Netherlands, a story of loss, hope, and newfound love unfolds, starring Queen Uniek, a majestic Friesian horse, and her adoptive foal, Rising Star. This tale, recently captured in a touching video, reveals the first time Queen Uniek takes her adoptive foal outside, showcasing a bond that transcends the ordinary….
Horsewoman Delivers A Mesmerizing Dance Of Liberty With 3 Horses
The equestrian world is graced with numerous talents, but few have shown a dedication to horses quite like Sylvia Zerbini, a ninth-generation performer whose life has been entwined with these majestic creatures since childhood. Born into a family with a rich circus legacy – her father a wild animal trainer and her mother a renowned…
8 Fascinating Facts About The Giant Belgian Draft Horses
Belgian Draft horses are one of the biggest draft horse breeds that still exist in the world. This is not the first time we’ve talked about Belgian horses and how easy it is to identify them due to their signature look which includes large hooves, huge body, and of course, their docile disposition. Their enthusiasm…
Farmers Ride Their Majestic Dutch Draft Horses Together Delivering A Unique View
Every equestrian knows that despite their massive size, all draft horses are usually some of the sweetest creatures on earth. One of the most adorable draft horses is The Dutch Draft, a large, solidly built horse. The Dutch Draft’s most outstanding quality is nor its power nor its size, but its character. It is a…