Over history, horses have helped humans in more ways than we have imagined. They have been used for ages to help humans reach all sorts of heavy lifting and pulling. They are able to pull plows and carriages and they stand behind the farming industry before engine-powered equipment took over. There are many animals who…
Owner Shows The Beauty Of Her Horse With A Braided Mane
We can’t deny that all horse owners like to take care of their horses’ appearance and often try various styles to braid their horses’ mane. Horse mane “braiding” is actually a tradition that goes back decades before, and has its origins in European traditions. There was a period where horses became the principal source of…
Meet The Star Of The ‘Black Beauty’ Who Is Still Alive
It is really great how the paths that we have chosen in our lives might have been influenced by our favorite movies. We tend to look up to our favorite movie characters since we are young and if our passion matches their role in the movie, there is an immediate connection created between us and…
Hilarious Man Rides A Horse Within The Superbowl Crowd
There are a lot of people who want to be the center of attention at every moment. They will always try to find something on how to get everyone’s attention, even if it can be embarrassing as well. On the other hand, there are people who like privacy more than anything and are the complete…
UK’s Guide Horse Gets Praised For His Valuable Contribution
Every day, people fight so hard for their dreams to become true. They usually have a lot of goals in their lives but usually, one is more important than all the others. It might seem strange but the same thing can happen with horses as well. There are a lot of horses who get tested…
Horse Covered In Lice Makes An Amazing Transformation Until Full Recovery
A lot of animals are very lucky to have their owners take care of them, while there are a lot of other animals who get abandoned and they can’t take care of themselves. Us humans can take care of ourselves to a certain extent and we know how to stay away from the dangerous or…
Primary School Kids Are Very Excited About Their Horse Riding Lessons
When we talk about school, we refer to it as a very exhausting experience and that you wish you did not have to go to classes and take a lot of challenging courses that require a lot of studying when you get home. However, we all have that one course that we like and it…
Wild Horses Roaming Free In Beautiful Exotic Beach
Although it’s only April, we are all looking forward to vacations and can’t wait to get some days off and escape from reality. Scrolling over the internet we have literally found the paradise on earth: A beautiful exotic island with a lot of horses on it. It’s an unknown place for the majority of people,…
Black Friesian Horse Shows Off His Majesty Prancing In The Pasture
There are many beautiful horses all over the world, but when it comes to Friesian horses, they have a special place in our hearts. There’s something special about these horses that make us fall in love as soon as we see one. In fact, it’s not only humans that adore Friesian horses. We have seen…
Jack Russell Dog Grabs A Towel And Plays With His New Horse Friend
Do you remember the first time when you met with your best friends? When you think about such moments after years of friendships, it is quite interesting to get to see how strong this friendship has become over the years. It might have started in a very awkward way and you probably thought that you…