A few years ago horses didn’t wear any eye protection, blankets or get any of the treatments they get today. It’s safe to say that technology has helped us treat our horses better and give them everything they deserve. Nowadays, you can also buy some new goggles who protect horses from light sensitivity and ache,…
Handsome Black Friesian Horse Shows Off His Majesty
There are a lot of horses who have become famous all over the world due to their beauty and charming appeal. One of them is also Frederik The Great, a very famous horse Friesan horse named who is also recognized as the most beautiful horse in the world. His fame arose quickly after many videos…
The Majesty And Beauty Of A Gypsy Vanner Horse
The Gypsy Horse is often considered to be one of the most amazing and kind breeds that exist today. They are friendly and kind, yet strong and efficacious. A long time ago people used this beautiful breed only to pull wagons! But they have come a long way since then and now they can race…
Disobedient Little Foal Gets Schooled By His Mother
Do you remember the times when you were a little child and then you would get in trouble from your parents because you have been misbehaving or you simply did not listen to your parents and did something that was forbidden for you to do? Well, if you always listen to them, then you can…
Mustang Stallion Protects His Mares And Foals From Bachelors
If you ask someone what is the most important thing for you, I am pretty sure that the majority of people, if not all will say their family. Your family members are people that you feel the most comfortable with and that they want the best for you. Also, they are always ready if you…
Shania Twain’s Horse Feels So Happy To Be Included In Home Performance
One of the biggest singers in the history of country music, also the best selling female artist in country music, with a lot of famous hits that have gotten global recognition. One thing that we all know about her is that she is obsessed with horses. I am pretty sure that you all remember her…
Stunning Wild Ponies Roam Together Happy And Free
As all of us know, horses are one of the few animals who are domesticated massively all over the world. If we take the millions of species that are out there, there is an insignificant percentage of animals who have been domesticated. Not only one of the few, but horses are also one of the…
Cowboy Wishes To Meet His Horse One Last Time
One of the most difficult moments in life is to get to see your loved ones in serious health conditions. On the other hand, a lot of these people who go through critical health problems think about the impact that their situation has on the people who are concerned about their safety. However, at the…
Beautiful Arabian Mare Strolls Around The Streets Of Frankfurt All By Herself
We have seen many pets who are known to walk around and get a little loose, but I’m pretty sure that no one would have believed that in Frankfurt, Germany’s Fechenheim district, locals there have become accustomed to a unique Arabian mare, named Jenny, who walks every day from her home on the same path…
10 Cool Facts You Didn’t Know About The Icelandic horse
Icelandic horses are some of the most excellent and unique horses in the world. They have deep, furry coats, dense manes, and they are also very strong and energetic horses. They are directly descended from the horses the Vikings bred in Iceland in the 9th and 10th centuries. Iceland horses are some of the horses…