Mustangs are tough horses known for their ability to survive, even in difficult conditions and on a regime of only grass and bush. Mustangs are the descendants of Iberian or Spanish horses that were induced to North, Central, and South America throughout the Colonial Era, in the 16th century. There’s nothing more legendary in America…
Identical Twin Girls Have Identical Twin Horses
Today we are gonna tell you an amazing story that I’m pretty sure it will put a smile on your face. It’s the story of two special identical twin sisters Greta and Hannah Verkerk who live together and both work at a farm in the United Kingdom. You may now think, okay but what makes…
Orphan Little Foal Sleeps Beside A Giant Teddy Bear
There is nothing more adorable than hearing heartwarming stories of horses who have been rescued and are now living a happy life. One of them is also the adorable foal called Breeze who was abandoned by his mare just when he was born. Luckily for Breeze, she was discovered by some farmers who found him…
1-Year-Old Little Girl Approaches And Leads A Large Horse
It’s a known fact now that kids are fascinated by animals. As much as we love animals, we have to admit that they are unpredictable and sometimes they can even become dangerous. Even if you have the most bomb-proof, safe horse out there, incidents can still happen. Horses are flight animals and if a horse…
Paralyzed Girl Learns How To Walk With The Help Of Her Aunt’s Horse
Every day, for everything that goes wrong in our lives, we tend to complain about them to the people we love or even to ourselves. We do not realize all the good things that life has offered us until we get to see people who are in worse conditions than we are. For people who…
Adorable Cat And Horse Pair Up For Scenic Rides
A lot of times, we get to see all the typical domesticated animals get along really well with each other. Many families all around the world own more than only one species and because all these different animals live together, they also get close even more. Some of these friendships start out very bad, on…
The Excited Rider Takes His Horse For A Ride To The Supermarket
A lot of times, people who have nothing to do with horses question such close and beautiful connections that we have with them and that we brag about every day. It is unusual for them to see such an established bond between humans and animals, mostly because they might not love animals in general. There…
Beautiful Ponies Enjoy A Beautiful Moment In The Spa
One of the things that we like to do the most after having a very busy period in our life is getting relaxed. For the majority of the people, the situation that we are going through with self-quarantine has been a good opportunity for everyone to relax although, we can all agree that it has…
Incredible Trust: Girl Flipping Over Horse’s Back Effortlessly
Let’s face it, the relationship between horses and humans is one of the most special relationships in the world. It’s so powerful and intense that we sometimes lack the right words to describe it. What we know for sure is that there’s something very enchanting about the horse that makes us fell in love with…
The Best Horse Movies and Tv Shows You Have To Watch During Covid-19 Self-Quarantine
As new COVID-19 cases continue to all over the world, everyone is demanded to stay at home in self-quarantine. In many countries, all the bars, restaurants and Fitness centers remain momentarily closed. Staying at home for a long time can is a real struggle for everyone who is used to having a very busy schedule….