Appaloosas are recognized for their unique spots, but these beautiful horses have so much more wonderful traits that make them an excellent choice for everyone who is looking to buy a horse. Nowadays, Appaloosas are one of the most loved horses and can be found all over the world, proving their progress in many disciplines…
Owner Takes Naughty Foal Out But He Gets Into Mischief
We simply can’t get enough of watching videos of beautiful foals all around the world. Just like baby humans, they are very attached to their mothers and need their care and attention throughout the whole time. As long as they are near their mothers, they are very confident and don’t mind showing out their funny…
Hilarious Video Shows Horses Sitting Down Just Like Humans
We aren’t used to seeing horses sit down and have even thought that they can’t sit down, but the truth is that the horses can sit, but they don’t do usually so on their own. There are a few reasons why a horse may sit down: they are getting up after laying down for a…
Little Rider Delivers A Unique Dressage Act On His Pony
Horses and humans have always had a unique relationship. It is now a known fact that horses are great mates, particularly for children, so a lot of pediatricians advise parents to let them children grow up around animals. Children prefer miniature horses or ponies rather than normal horses because they are less afraid of them….
Large Draft Horse Gallops In The Pasture Showing Off Its Glory
One main characteristic that horses have is that they are generally big animals, excluding miniature horses or ponies. When you ask someone to describe a horse, one of the most used adjectives will probably be huge and they are indeed big animals but for us, horse people who know them really well have a different…
Rider And Her Stunning Horse Have A Mesmerizing Ride On The Beach
We are past the middle of April and the summertime is coming very fast, which is at the same time exciting and not exciting. It is exciting because the temperatures will increase and this might cause the drop of the coronavirus cases and the destruction of the virus as well, which is something that we…
Gorgeous Clydesdales Horses Are Grateful To Have Each Other
All around the world, there are a lot of popular horse breeds. People are very interested in horses, even though the majority of the horse fans are not involved in the horse world, they are still admiring and loving the beauty of these horses as it is quite evident. A lot of artists even get…
The Beautiful Little Donkey Has Energy For Days
I am pretty sure that all of you here are always in awe when you get to see adorable little foals, especially a few moments after they are born. These adorable creatures are very amazing and it is indeed difficult not to fall in love with them. Most horse owners notice that these baby foals…
Compilation Shows Some Of The Biggest Horses In The World
When we compare different things that belong to the same category, we usually do not spot a lot of differences regarding the size of these things. For example people. It is true that there are very tall people as opposed to a very short one that shows quite a huge difference physically between these people,…
Girl Struggles To Get On Large Horse But He Decides To Help Her
There is nothing more wonderful than learning how to ride and forming beautiful memories with your loved horse. Many people prefer riding a horse bareback because they feel that connect more with the horse and is also an exceptional way to improve muscle and balance. Once upon a time, people rode bareback because they did…