Some horses are so good looking that they could easily be mistaken for models. In fact, in the equine world, there are some horses who serve as models. We are used to seeing horses only working hard to help humans in different industries but times have changed and now horses can have a bright future…
Four Strong Horses Pull A Coach And A Stunning Fifth Joins On The Way
One thing that is widely known about horses is the fact that they are powerful. Since thousands of years ago horses have been one of the most important animals helping the development of the society that we have nowadays. When it comes to transportation, horses were the most popular mean of transport. Today, it is…
Little Foal Starts Crying But Mother Comes To Calm Him Down
What is one of the strongest forms of love? It is definitely the love of a parent, nothing can ever come close to how much our parents love us. They spend most of their life taking care of us and making sure that we have the best lives that we can possibly have. At the…
Couple Turns Retirement Into Mission To Rescue And Rehabilitate Horses
After retiring from distinguished careers in law enforcement, Larry and Peggy Neaves redirected their boundless energy toward a noble cause: rescuing horses. The couple, who once served as an FBI agent and a US Customs worker, respectively, found a new mission in providing sanctuary for abandoned, abused, and neglected horses. At their aptly named Forever…
Cowboy Dedicated His Life To Building A Safe Haven For Wild Horses
Dayton O. Hyde, an American cowboy with an unwavering spirit, battled both governmental and neighborly opposition to pursue his vision. Born on March 25, 1923, Hyde’s deep affection for wild Mustangs drove him to monumental efforts toward their preservation. His career path, initially as a rodeo photographer and later as a cowboy, laid the groundwork for his passion for…
The Passionate Young Woman Demonstrates Her Skills In Full Sassiness
What is one thing that all of us here have in common? It is the common passion that we have for horses. A lot of us here have been around horses since the days they were born, which is one of the reasons why we are so close to them. At this point, they are…
Amazing Horse Riding Duo Delivers A Spectacular Performance
Do you all miss riding your horses these days? I am pretty sure a lot of you do. Due to the situation with Covid-19 the world has frozen and we can’t do all the things that we would usually do otherwise and one of these things is riding horses. Of course, we can ride in…
Emotional Reunion For Soldier And Horse After Years Of Separation
Ezphia Rennock met Agricola, a service horse assigned to him, nearly two decades ago in London. During his tenure from 2000 to 2007 as part of the queen’s personal guard, Ezphia found solace in Agricola’s company amidst the loneliness of being away from home at just 17. Agricola, known for his challenging demeanor, often threw riders off, yet he…
Orphaned Baby Donkey Stops Crying After Finding A New Mom
Waking up not knowing who your parents are delivers a unique kind of distress, a feeling too well-known for a baby donkey named Ben, who found himself alone from the moment of his birth in a UK-based animal sanctuary. His cries for his mother, who would never return, echoed poignantly through his new home. It’s a harsh…
Majestic Horses Gallop Along The Pasture Showing Off Their Charm
I think we all agree that horses are some of the most beautiful creatures in this world and over the years they have helped us in more ways we could have ever imagined. Not only they are very attractive and beautiful to watch but they also possess many valuable qualities that have turned them into…