Lucky, a 20-year-old Paso Fino horse, lived up to her name when she narrowly escaped death after falling into a sinkhole in San Fernando Valley, California. The incident occurred while her owner, Maria Lastre, was riding her in the backyard. Suddenly, the ground beneath them gave way, plunging Lucky into the muddy trap. The sinkhole swallowed Lucky…
Hilarious Horse Is Very Happy To Share Her Excitement With The Others
As the whole world has frozen and we are all spending most of our days self-quarantined in our house, a lot of people have found passions and talents that they did not know they had before. As bad as the whole situation is and is going to be, especially in the economic aspect, a lot…
Horse Alone For 17 Years Finds Friendship In Her Final Year
Gidget, a Suffolk Punch mare, endured unimaginable solitude for 17 years, confined alone in the basement of a barn. For a decade, she hadn’t encountered other horses or humans, relying solely on her elderly owner who fed her by dumping oats down a feeding chute. Her isolation was profound and undisturbed until Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary learned of her plight. Determined…
Legendary Lipizzan Stallion Turns 40 And Becomes Officially The Oldest Lipizzan In The World
I’m pretty sure every equestrian has watched at least one of the incredible performances that the Spanish riding school does. The Lipizzaner horses that perform in this school are known all over the world for their astonishing dressage performances. One of the most legendary Lipizzaner horses is Neapolitano Nima, who lately turned 40 years old….
Horse Joins A Family Picnic And Can’t Get Enough Of The Potato Chips
In a delightful twist during a family camping trip in Wyoming, a horse became an unexpected source of entertainment due to its peculiar taste for potato chips. The family, enjoying a leisurely summer picnic in a scenic field, found themselves joined by a friendly horse. Much to their surprise, this horse quickly demonstrated a surprising fondness for…
5 Unique Ways That Horses Show Their Affection Toward Humans
If you spend a considerable amount of time around horses, then you already know how unique they are. Although they can usually confound and intimidate us with their massive size, horses are very kind, wonderful creatures and they demonstrate it in amazing ways. Without a doubt, horses are very intelligent animals and they can read…
Meet Mogly: A Beautiful And Charming Fjord Horse Like No Other
Fjord Horse is absolutely one of the most genuine breeds that still exist in the world nowadays. You can recognize this horse from a long distance only by watching his beautiful small body and his creamy and smooth coat color. That’s maybe due to the fact that they originate from the mountain regions of Scandinavia….
Powerful Belgian Draft Work Is Very Well-Trained And Doesn’t Mind Working Hard
I think we all agree that draft horses have a soft spot in our hearts. There are many reasons why they have made us fall in love with them. It’s impossible not to recognize a Belgian Draft horse as soon as you see one because they stand out from all the other breeds due to…
Meet Alycia Burton: One Of The Most Talented And Inspiring Riders In The World
History has shown that some people were simply born to spend their life around horses. Although the passion for horses is something that is born with you, you still have to work very hard and dedicate all your time in order to be a real equestrian. One of the most incredible riders of these days…
Tomas Garcilazo Delivers A Spectacular Performance Of “La Charreria”, Mexico’s Biggest Proud
Have you ever heard of “La Charreria”? If you are a big fan of equestrian sports than I’m pretty sure that you have come across this unique discipline, but for anyone who isn’t familiar with it, we are giving a brief description of it. The charrería is a competition just like rodeo and was created…