We have watched the video of a rider riding a horse in a T-Rex dinosaur suit and that video went viral with millions of viewers on social media. The man didn’t stop and has posted another video which will make your day a little brighter. He’s now at it again with his funny tricks and…
Hilarious Sketchy Presentation Of A ‘Horse Screamer’ Shows Us How To Lead A Horse The Natural Way
As horse lovers we usually have discussions over the different ways we lead our horses. Some people lead their horses at the shoulder, others lead their horse behind them. We all have our own valid reasons for doing things a certain way. The truth is, there is no absolute right or wrong for this issue…
Horse Lies Down And Helps Man In Wheelchair Mount
Horse riding is a natural reflex inhibiting position which helps improve balance and posture providing a unique form of exercise and rehabilitation. Horse riding offers an opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, friendship, laughter, achievement, independence and confidence. Medical professionals recognize that there are also significant therapeutic benefits for the rider. The warmth and three dimensional movement…
Horses Who Want To Be Lapdogs Have Their Way Of Showing Affection – It’s All About The Cuddles
Horses are one of the most beautiful and majestic animals in the world and when people think of them they probably think even about their big size. People who aren’t used to horses might find their size a little bit intimidating but they don’t really know that horses can be really affectionate. They have different…
Excited Horse Repeatedly Smacks His Lips And Wags His Tongue
We always appreciate horses for their unique personality as they don’t only please and amaze us but they change our mood, make us smile and bring joy and happiness to our lives. We love spending time with them and this means not only training but also playing and sometimes going for wild rides. Their behavior…
All The Gracefulness And Majesty Of Horses In Video- Their Beauty Never Ceases To Amaze
There are lots of different kinds of horse breeds in the world and people have their own preferences based on the horses’ features but one thing is for sure, all the horses are stunning. Besides being gorgeous and amazing they are also strong and intelligent animals which are easily trained and can also easily create…
Budweiser Clydesdales Contributed To Deliver 4,000 Pounds Of Grain To Horse Rescue Shelter
Budweiser Clydesdales are one of the most iconic and recognizable animals in the world and even those who don’t have an affection for horses know them because of the Budweiser advertisements. These noble and amazing animals always brighten our days when we see them on TV or in the Internet. As part of their nationwide…
Adorable Pony Merry Go Round –Cute Ponies Just Can’t Stop Going Round In Circles
Seeing ponies playing is one of the cutest things you will ever see in your life. They are so energetic that they just don’t stop but it looks as if they will go on running and playing till its’s time for bed. They can our mood in a matter of seconds, be it for the…
Woman Sits Down For A Nap But Horses Get The Attention While Sleeping
Nothing can compare to the beauty of horses and no other animal can be as noble as horses are. Not only are they stunning and magnificent but they are also intelligent and the best of friends. People that have dealt with these amazing animals know that this is true and the bond you create with…
Horse Brings Hay To His Girlfriend And Gives Her A Kiss
One of the ways of how horses signal affection and love for one another is through vocalizations as well as by actions. They nicker to show happiness when greeting other horses, scratch to show affection, mutually groom one another as a sign of care and attention, and rest their heads over the necks of their…