This is the story of Angelika Trabert, one of Germany’s most known, accomplished, and successful handicapped riders. Dr. Angelika Trabert, born 9 October 1967, is a German doctor and para-equestrian rider. She made her international debut in 1991, and went on to compete at five consecutive Summer Paralympics for her country, winning silver and bronze…
Miniature Horse Shows His Happiness By Bouncing And Kicking
A horse that kicks can be dangerous to deal with. Even if your horse is merely kicking at a biting fly, and you happen to get in the way, you can be hurt. Some horses develop a bad habit of kicking and are a menace on the ground and while you are riding or driving….
Overly-Excited Dancing Mule Experiences Mud For The First Time And Learns What Gravity Is
Foals are so playful and full of energy that they don’t stop a moment when they are let out of the barn into the pasture. Sometimes, even when they are in the pen they can’t stop playing and prancing around. There are times when they find themselves in really embarrassing situations as they get too…
Lorenzo “The Flying Frenchman” Performs Magnificently On The Back Of Camargue Horses
Laurent Serre is a daredevil rider known all over the world. His stage name is Lorenzo. Lorenzo was born in Camargue a region in the south of France. Camargue is famous for its horses and we can say that horses are in Lorenzo’s blood. From a young age Lorenzo showed a big passion for horses…
Crazy Couple Show The Funny Side Of Showjumping
Show jumping is a part of a group of English riding equestrian events that also includes dressage, eventing, hunters, and equitation. Jumping classes are commonly seen at horse shows throughout the world, including the Olympics. Sometimes shows are limited exclusively to jumpers, sometimes jumper classes are offered in conjunction with other English-style events, and sometimes…
Clever Horse Shows He Can Outsmart His Owner By Removing His Head Collar On Its Own
Most of us have heard of the ‘Houdini horse’ who had a knack of opening stall doors. The horse named Mariska is considered to be really smart as she has the ability to open latches not only for herself but also for her equine friends living in the stable. But Mariska isn’t the only horse…
The Dancing Duo Make A Superb Performance Of Horse Dressage
We have seen amazing performances of dressage and sometimes we might also have been amazed at what horses were able to do. We all know that dressage is a high skilled form of riding, it is an art which is also considered as the highest expression of horse training. Horse and rider are expected to…
Impressive Video Of The Royal Horse Artillery In Walking In The Streets Of London
The Royal Horse Artillery was formed in 1793 as a distinct arm of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, commonly termed Royal Artillery, of the British Army. Horses are still in service for ceremonial purposes but were phased out from operational deployment during the 1930s. The Royal Horse Artillery, currently consists of three regiments and one…
Beautiful And Considerate Horse Loads Himself Peacefully Into A Trailer
Loading a horse into a trailer is not a separate skill that horses and their handlers need to learn. Loading is simply a response to the step cue you’ve taught your horse through heeding. The horse that has learned to stay at your shoulder, trust your consistency and trust that he’s got your full attention…
Horse Loves ‘Having His Teeth Cleaned’ In An Unusual But Hilarious Way
It’s good to have fun when you are working around horses. Grooms work long and hard, and sometimes you just need to get creative and have a good laugh with the vacuum instead of crying about how dirty your horse is. The advantage to having a vacuum is that it can replace some of your…