Rescues are always beautiful stories to be told and as horse lovers, we always feel happy when we hear about a rescue. But what you are going to watch in this video is an amazing rescue of an Appaloosa horse who fell off a cliff and into a creek. Dave Summers saw that his horse…
Arabian Filly Shows Off Her Elegance In The Pasture
The beauty is in the eye of the beholder says Shakespeare but we all agree that the Arabian filly in the video is one of the most beautiful fillies in the world. All horses are just amazing but there are some that catch our attention and this filly is one of them. When you see…
Meet Zonkey Rare Zebra – A Beautiful Crossbreeding Result
Have you ever heard of Zonkeys? The Zonkey is a hybrid animal that is created by cross-breeding two different species of animal that belong to the same genetic group. Technically though, an individual is only classed as a Zonkey if it is sired from a male Zebra and female Donkey, as one that has a…
Showjumping Is Thrilling – Insane Save: Horse Takes Care Of Itself And The Rider
There are a lot of cases when the horse saves the rider from falling or they just show amazing coordination of their own and save themselves and the riders as well. The oxer two step is when the horse puts his hind legs down in the middle of an oxer, only to pull them out…
One of the Best Dressage Freestyles You’ll Ever See
What you are going to watch in this video is considered to be one of the best and most electrifying performance of dressage freestyle. The crowd didn’t know what was coming when Andreas Helgstrand and his horse Blue Hors Matine entered the arena to perform. It seemed that in the beginning the pair wasn’t going…
Budweiser Clydesdale Ads Bring Magic In The Horse World
It was 39 years ago when the Clydesdales made their Super Bowl Commercial debut and since then they have gained such popularity that people eagerly wait for the horses to be seen in other Super Bowl ads. Those horses are the most important mark of the brand and horse lovers just love watching the Clydesdales…
Priceless Moment Of A Little Boy And His Little Horse
It can’t get any cuter than watching two little children playing and having fun with each other. It is their innocence that makes us love them unconditionally and consider them to be the most precious creatures in the world. The same stands when an interaction between interspecies occurs as the case is with this little…
Friesian Horse Tells Lazy Clydesdale Horse To Get Up
Horses do know how to have fun and how to relax as well. They enjoy their playtime but they also know how to get the most out of their rest as they lay down on the grass and just chill. They communicate with each other but we don’t know their language, we just know what…
Ed The Naughty Pony Can’t Take Things Seriously
Every horse acts up at some point but the little Ed in this video can’t really take things seriously. The video posted on YouTube has got more than 1 million views and it shows a 6-year-old boy called Ross getting dumped again and again from his naughty pony Ed. Although he suffered falling time and…
The Incredible 2016 Kentucky Derby Winner Has Fun In Its Paddock – Looks Like He Still Loves To Run
We don’t really know what happens to race horses after they retire. Sometimes they are taken care of by their owners, there are times when they are sent to different sanctuaries and some other enjoy their life in lush paddocks doing what they love, run freely. What you are going to watch in this video…