Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue is a Non-Profit organization. All of their horses are rescued from auctions where these people are their last chance before being sold to slaughter. The horses are chosen for their temperament, soundness, and usability. Once safely home, all horses are quarantined for a minimum of 21 days. When healthy, all…
Percheron Horses Show Off Their Power By Pulling The Hitch
What’s the view from the driver’s bench as a six-horse draft hitch is put together? Thanks to Blue Ribbon Days Percherons, you can watch the entire process! Blue Ribbon Days Percherons page on Facebook writes, “Atmosphere: Prelude to a Winning Drive. On and off the court, a calm and consistent atmosphere is essential to success….
Running Horse Slips And Falls Into Water But Manages To Handle The Situation
Horses love running and playing around in the pasture as this gives them a sense of freedom and they feel they can do anything they want. No one is there to watch them and they have the possibility to do the silliest things that come to their minds. Some of those things were caught in…
Crazy, Playful, Athletic Donkey Shows That He Can Rear And Walk On Hind Legs
Let’s imagine that equines had the power to walk on hind legs, would you be scared? When we think about horses walking around on their hind legs it surely seems scary and amazing at the same time. They do have the strength to rear but when it comes to walking only the stunning well-trained Lipizzaner…
Mind-Blowing Vaulting Performance Of Italian Pair Deserves The Gold Metal
Most commonly described as gymnastics on horseback, Vaulting is a breathtaking discipline that you will not want to miss! It’s truly a test of the athletes’ strength and trust, along with the horse’s obedience. Basic vaulting is popular and often taught to young beginners before they learn to ride. It helps them learn balance, moving…
Pony And Trainer Show The World They Are Great Workout Buddies And True Athletes
Jake Nodar has been training, instructing, and competing professionally for 18 years. Jake has experience in numerous disciplines, both English and western and has trained and competed in dressage, jumpers, hunters, eventing, western pleasure, barrels, breed shows, competitive trail, trail classes, fox hunting, and jousting. His systematic approach to training and teaching sets horse and…
Sriracha The Pony And Screamer The Rodeo Bull Show That Friendship knows no species
Besides training and doing what we ask them horses also need some playtime as it is so important for them to unwind and enjoy themselves running around. We all know that horses are playful and they make friends with mainly any species and sometimes playtime means also interaction with the other species. What you are…
Horse And Owner Drink A Toast As They Become The #1 Champions
Horses always deserve the best and the US dressage rider knows how to give the best to her horse. Laura Graves loves her horse Verdades unconditionally and she has an amazing relationship with him. She has raised him herself and she knows what he wants, when he’s ready for training, and when he doesn’t like…
Happy Ponies Know How To Enjoy Their Time Together Running And Playing In The Pasture
We have watched birthday videos where a pony was the main protagonist along with the birthday girl or boy. All the other kids shifted their attention and sometimes they made a big fuss of the pony completely forgetful of the birthday person. But what you are going to watch in this video is not a…
Amazing Footage Of Horses In The Land Of The Blue Sky
“It is easy to conquer the world from the back of a horse” – Genghis Khan. We have all heard about the Mongol Derby which is considered to be the world’s longest and toughest race and it also was the nerve system of the largest empire in the human history. You square up to 1000km…