Everything about Minis is small except their personality and spirit. Gentle friendliness to humans is one important trait that is very common in Minis. These horses seem to enjoy human company, even that of strangers. Most adults have difficulty resisting the urge to pick up a fluffy miniature horse foal and carry it around while…
Ponies Once Suffering From Laminitis Now Racing Each Other
The first thing that comes to our minds when we see ponies running is that they are cute and adorable. What about seeing a lot ponies going round playing and racing each other? It may not be a show but it would definitely make you feel happy and admire the view in front of you….
Mare And Newborn Foal Kiss Each Other Moments After Birth
This Paso Fino mare, Pintura, has just given birth to her firstborn foal. This video was taken just after he slid almost all the way out of her. If you look carefully you can see that his hind feet are still inside her. He is sopping wet from amniotic fluid and his umbilical cord is…
Mounted Police Officer Pulls The Car Over While Riding His Horse
Horses are ridden for pleasure and usually people love having them around, touching them, feeding them sometimes, and maybe having a ride with them when this is possible. Horse lovers always enjoy a trail ride, a full gallop on the shore or a horse show and they simply can’t get enough of these majestic animals….
Hilarious: English Ropers Have A Blast While Trying To Lasso A Goat
As horse lovers and riders we need to take things seriously and work hard to reach our goals. Every sport requires patience and hard work and riding besides these requires also a lot of love. It all starts out of love for horses and then this turns into a passion that lasts a lifetime and…
Gravity Doesn’t Help This Kid Stay On The Back Of The Horse
When going horseback riding we take into consideration everything, even falling of the horse and getting hurt or injured. Gravity can sometimes make things easier when dismounting a horse but it doesn’t always work like this. There are times when it becomes a negative factor in horseback riding and the video you are about to…
Hilarious Horse Has His Own Style Of Jumping The Obstacles
All jumpers have their own style of jumping and their own way of dealing with horses or creating a relationship with them. When you tell them they are wrong about that they just answer back with the same thing. We all have different opinions about how to deal and create a relationship with horses but…
Equine Confessions – Horse Expresses His Sincere Thoughts Through His Perspective
When it comes to choosing a discipline, no doubt all of us would choose dressage. Dressage is considered to be the basis of all training as it doesn’t only deal with a horse’s strength but also with its athleticism and movement. Everyone loves dressage and people just can’t get enough of it but if it…
We Stand As One – Every Equestrian’s Motto Presented In A Thrilling Video
Every horse lover and rider knows the importance equines in their lives and they also consider it crucial to have a great relationship with their horses. In order to have great success you and the horse should be one with each other and love each other unconditionally. But we as riders and equestrians should stand…
Horse And Turtle Challenge Each Other
Every mother does her everything to protect her kid from danger, be it real or just a perceived danger. It doesn’t happen only with humans but also with animals and horses don’t make an exception. What you are going to watch in the video is a funny clip and all watching it know that the…