This hilarious footage shows a runaway pony walking into a Cheshire police station. It’s impossible to work out whether the four-legged animal was applying for a police horse job or handing itself in. Officers at Cheshire Police headquarters in Winsford were surprised by their equine visitor in the early hours of the morning. After its…
Foal Thinks She Is A Lap Dog And Doesn’t Think Twice About Lying On His Owner’s Lap
When a good relationship and bond is created with a horse no one can ruin it and nothing can separate you from the horse or vice versa. The feeling you get from that relationship is not compared to anything in the world. Love, respect, and trust are always given unconditionally and mutually. What you are…
Magical Arabian Mare Shows Off In Front Of The Camera
All horses are beautiful but we always have our favorites and speak highly of them because we cannot and do not want to see their faults, if any. But the Arabian in this video is just magical, magnificent, majestic and gorgeous. Arabians are one of the most beautiful horses in the world and in my…
Miniature Horse Loves Performing Dressage And Wins The Ovation Of The Crowd
Maybe it is unusual for ponies to perform dressage but Lancelot does not mind and he performs amazingly. He seems to have all the support from the spectators also as all the crowd watching the show cheer for him. Lancelot has been trained to leg-yield, shoulder in, haunches in, half pass, halt, rein back, simple…
Gorgeous Percheron Horses Splash And Cross A Stream Of Water
The Percheron is a French equine breed, native to the province of Perche from which the breed is named. They usually have a gray or morello coat, they are very smart, calm and very muscular. Although their exact origins are unknown, the ancestors of the breed were present in the county until the seventeenth century….
Expert Trail Rider Takes Things To A Whole Different Level
Trail riding is riding outdoors on trails, bridle paths, and forest roads, but not on roads regularly used by motorised traffic. A trail ride can be of any length, including a long distance, multi-day trip. It originated with horse riding, and in North America, the equestrian form is usually called “trail riding,” or, less often…
3-Year-Old Can’t Go Fast Enough Even Though She Requires More Speed!
Every time we see a child riding a pony our hearts melt as we imagine ourselves being children again and do the same thing. We just can imagine the happiness of this little girl as she rides the pony. When it comes to galloping on a pony you just think how challenging that might be…
Household Cavalry Horses And Their Riders Splash About In The Surf And Conquer The Shores
People experience different feelings while riding but nothing ca be compared to the one riding and galloping along the beach especially when there are tens of horses around. What you are going to watch in this video is the Household Cavalry enjoying their day as well as training on Holkam Beach. These riders seem to…
Explore The Oldest German State Stud, The Living Cultural Heritage
What you are going to watch in this video is a clip that will take you virtually to the oldest state stud in Germany and experience a unique feeling as you hear the natural sounds of the horses and enjoy the amazing sights. There is no special effect and no editing but only the natural…
Horse Starts Bucking And Rider Does A Great Job Keeping Him Under Control
Jockey Tom Greatrex readies himself for the ride aboard Blue Haze in a bumper race at Worcester in May 2016, and then this happens as soon as he is to be led onto the racetrack. Ready to leave the parade ring and about to head out on course, Blue Haze decides to go all bucking…