Welcome to Poland where the only unexpected, unpredictable and the most dangerous external interruption at a sport event is a small pony running along with the cyclists. It is not often seen that a pony rides along with cyclists but it is what exactly happened in the Tour of Poland. A pony rides along with…
Adorable Mini Foal Does Best Secretariat Impression And Wipes Out A Couple Of Times
Mini foals are so adorable and cute that we can’t get enough of them. There’s likely nothing cuter than a foal playing around, learning to walk, or just hanging out with its mother. There is just something special about foals that we can’t describe but hits us every time we see them in action. What…
Friesian Horses Deliver Their Performance Under Dark Lights
When we come across the word ‘Friesian’ or when this word comes up in conversation we always think about those gorgeous creatures come out of fairytales. Anyone who owns a Friesian wants to show him/her off and they can’t be blamed because these horses are just magnificent. When you see them galloping with their manes…
First Horse Ever Ride Across A Glass Walkway – A Demonstration In Two-Way Trust Horsemanship
What you are going to watch in this video is unique because no other owner or rider, no matter how strong their relationship with the horse could be, would try it. Let’s imagine somebody who is afraid of heights and take him to the Glacier Skywalk at Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada. It isn’t…
18 Six-Horse Hitches Thunder Through The Field In A Wild Ride
In today’s fast-paced world, many people do not have the opportunity to relax and enjoy a weekend that reminds them of days gone by. But, that opportunity exists in Britt, Iowa every Labor Day weekend. For many Iowans and others from a rural background, the draft horse is a symbol of their heritage. But, the…
Cavalia Odysseo Show Featuring Horses Takes You On A Journey To Another World
Cavalia Odysseo is poetry in motion, a unique and magical theatrical production that marries the equestrian arts and stage arts at never-before-seen levels. It’s an epic journey into a dreamlike world by this breathtaking extravaganza featuring 70 magnificent horses and 50 talented riders, acrobats, dancers, and musicians. Deploying their extraordinary talents, Cavalia Odysseo’s acrobats interact…
Runaway Horse Takes Tourists On A Wild Ride Downtown
A spooked horse pulling a carriage full of tourist rushed at full speed, like galloping through Savannah downtown not only scaring the people but also injuring the driver. What is special about this footage is that it was taken by different surveillance cameras through the streets of the city and these surveillance camera videos were…
Man Finds Health After His Beloved Horse Pays Him A Visit
What Francisco Mena needed in order that he be healed was a real and sincere friend, his horse. Doctors gave him little hope for improvement but his condition completely changed after his horse paid a visit to him. Esquilador, the horse, seems to transmit a lot of positive energy to his owner. After his condition…
Rider Experiences A Rough Fall From Her Horse In The Ditch
This video contains disturbing scenes but which show that when riding we should really use body protectors. A 16.2hh, 650KG Irish Draught horse slipped and fell into a ditch with her rider. The mare panicked and stamped on the rider while trying to evacuate the ditch into which they had fallen. All riders should seriously…
Pony Finds Himself A Portable Shed To Move Around In The Pasture Protecting Him From The Scorching Sun
Horses are up to the weirdest and strangest things in the world and we as horse people just love when they see them do those silly things. We can’t predict when they are going to act but as soon as we see them a smile lines our faces and there are times when we also…