You must remember the video ‘Puppy Love’, the one which Budweiser posted for Super Bowl 2014. They showed the friendship between a puppy Labrador and that of a horse. The video went viral and got millions of views in a few days. But sometimes reality goes beyond our fantasies and what you are going to…
Rescued Foal Strikes Up An Unlikely Friendship With An Adorable 4-Year-Old Girl
The video you are going to watch is part of a real beautiful story of rescue and it involves the photographer Gigja Einarsdottir. Gigja Einarsdottir and her family rescued a foal after it got stuck in a fence. Her four-year-old daughter struck up a friendship with the foal and Gigja caught in on film. Gigja…
Rider Has Her Own Spectacular Way Of Dismounting A Horse
Getting off a horse is part of the process of riding as once we get on a horse we have to dismount eventually. Mounting and dismounting are not as easy as people think because every horse rider has suffered, at least, one painful mount or dismount. These unpleasant and unplanned things have resulted in ending…
Rare Red Friesian Dances Beautifully With His Rider
Riding a horse and dancing with a horse are quite different things and sometimes people just don’t know the difference between them. Dancing is an art and if you can make a horse dance to the rhythm of the music then you have achieved a lot. What you are going to watch in this video…
Horse Pretends To Be A Dog As He Steals The Dog’s Toy And Takes It Back To His Owner!
Have you ever had more than two animals at home or pets and noticed any rivalry between them? Sometimes even animals want to impress their owners and they will do anything just to look good in their eyes. There is nothing cuter than watch animals compete with one another who the best on something is…
Grieving Horse Finds Comfort In Orphaned Baby Lamb
Patricia lives on a 20-acre farm in Prentiss, ME called Last Stop Horse Rescue. Her resident family includes cats, dogs, a goat, a lamb, and nearly 30 horses. Patricia dedicates her life to taking in horses that had been abused and neglected. Angel is just one of these horses, and her story is incredible. When…
Rescued Starving Horses Look So Happy And Healthy
Two beautiful Percheron horses, Luke and Ike, started their lives as carriage horses in Dayton, Ohio. When their owner no longer had a use for them, the horses were discarded like garbage. They were abandoned in a field with no food for a year before they were found. Last Chance Corral stepped in and saved…
Gassy Horse Lies Down And Has A Great Time Rolling And Farting!
Horses have been with us for centuries providing us with everything such as work, transportation, companionship, and laughter. Horses like people need to pass gas but sometimes the way they do it is so hilarious that you can’t stop laughing or when watching it in a video you just can’t stop clicking on it to…
Adorable Selfless Little Girl Shares An Ice Cream With A Beautiful Pony!
Any horse owner will tell you that their horse is so much more than just an animal or a pet, it’s a four-legged best friend. But when it comes to man’s best friend, how close is too close? Would you let your horse inside your house? Share a bed? How about share an ice cream?…
Hero Horse Saves His Partner’s Life Minutes Before She Was Due To Be Put Down As Vets Couldn’t Save Her!
There will always be people or friends to give you a hand when life drags you down and we will always be grateful to the ones that helped us in the most difficult moments of our lives. Sometimes the same thing happens in the animal world. What you are going to watch in this video…