The “two best female riders of all time” have retired from racing in the same week. Katie Walsh and Nina Carberry have both announced they are to hang up their boots, each after winning her final race at Punchestown. Katie (pictured, above) announced her retirement at Punchestown, following a win on the Willie Mullins-trained Anstey….
Miniature Shetland Gave Birth To A Rare And Adorable Mule Foal
An owner was left speechless when her miniature Shetland gave birth to a very unusual foal. Scotland-based Lauren Mosgrove only discovered her mare, Peaches, was in foal when she was grooming her stomach and felt a kick. Her vet confirmed the 12-year-old was pregnant and Lauren assumed the sire was her Shetland colt, who had…
Guiding Kids To The Amazing World Of Horses
Bill Condie’s country roots make him happy that his son, 8-year-old Carson, loves horses. Yet living in a town in Nampa, Idaho, limits Carson’s horse interactions to posters, magazines, and the occasional trip to the Idaho Horse Park to watch a rodeo or event. “He’s only been on a horse a handful of times, and…
The Importance Of Navigating A Horse’s Genetic Map
Where would your horse fit on a genetic map of the entire horse world? Very close to his full brother, at a slight distance from his paternal grandmother. Bundled in a general cluster of horses of the same breed, perhaps closer to those more his “type.” And widely spaced from horses of completely different origins….
Horse Being Unable To Swallow Due To Swede Stuck In The roof Of Its Mouth
A vet has reminded owners about how to feed root vegetables after a horse struggled to swallow when a piece became lodged in its mouth. Craig Rutland, partner at Catley Cross Veterinary Clinic in Essex, attended the horse, who had presented with choke-like symptoms. “The horse was in a lot of distress and the owner…
15 Sheeps Killed And A Horse Injured In Dog Attacks
A horse has been badly injured and 15 sheep killed in dog attacks in a small area of Lancashire. Equestrians in the Rivington area are now desperately trying to raise awareness of the possibly fatal consequences of not keeping dogs on leads around animals. A farmer has already shot one dog – having first done…
Study Confirms That Horses Are Able To Smell Danger And Fear
We’ve all heard the phrase “animals can smell fear” and a recent study has suggested that horses can indeed pick up on emotions from human sweat. An Italian investigation monitored the heart rate of horses in response to human body odors, and appeared to show that equines displayed different responses to “fear” and “happiness”. “Our…
Equine Herpes Being Incentivized By Pollen Inhaling
Inhaled pollens could be “enhancing” the chance of horses contracting the herpes virus type one (EHV1), a study has shown. Pollens are widely recognized as triggers for allergies and asthma but researchers at Belgium’s University of Ghent wanted to look more closely at how they interact with the mucosal membranes that line the respiratory tract….
Alarming Number Of Horse Deaths At New York Racetracks- 10 Horses Died In 9 Days
Ten horses died in the recent span of nine days at racetracks across New York, raising concern among animal-rights activists at a time when the sport has come under intense scrutiny following a series of deaths at a California racetrack earlier this year. The deaths, both racing and non-racing incidents, occurred at four tracks between…
“Our Souls And Spirits Were One.” Lady Gaga’s Thoughts On Her Horse’s Death
After two big wins at the Critics’ Choice Awards, Lady Gaga shared the news that her horse, Arabella “is dying.” “I am honored and blessed to have won both Best Song and Best Actress alongside Glenn Close this evening,” Gaga wrote in a message posted to social media. “My heart is exploding with pride.” However,…