Horse-trainer Emma Massingale has embraced the summer and dramatic coastline of her home county by taking six horses for a loose adventure on the beach. The award-winning film-maker created her latest video The Mini Tribe Go Wild At The Seaside with familiar Youtube stars Albert and Ernie, who were joined by young miniatures Stan, Percy…
How Were Military Horse Trained To Not Be Spooked By Gunshots? Applicable Nowadays As Well.
Did you ever have a problem with your horse after hearing a gunshot? If yes, the following advice will be very helpful. Step 1. Identify what scares the horse. It’s more than one thing, chose which one you’ll tackle first and stick to it until you’re done. Don’t do two things at once! Step2. Figure…
The Potential Of Horses’ Intelligence- Horse Actions That Humans Were Incapable Of Imaging.
Are horses as smart as dogs, or dolphins? Do they recognize their owners? Can they learn words? Horse lovers have long believed that their trusty steeds are the smartest animals in the world, but skeptics would be doubtful. After all, if they’re so clever, why do they keep on spooking at the same tree every…
Filly Gets Help From A Giant Teddy Bear To Recover After Loss Of Her Mother
An orphaned foal found alone and terrified has been receiving round-the-clock care as her rescuers hope she has turned the corner. Ava, a Dartmoor hill pony, was discovered by residents at the beginning of July near the village of Lee Moor after her dam died on Dartmoor. Charity Hill Pony Resources brought Ava, thought to…
Great-Grandma Aged 92 Rides For The First Time
A 92-year-old care home resident has had her wish to ride a horse for the first time fulfilled. Staff at Prince Edward Duke of Kent Court in Stistead, Essex, arranged for Dot Bayley to visit nearby Rayne Riding Centre where her wish was granted with a ride on pony TJ. The home’s activities co-ordinator Dani…
Photographer Captures Mid Air Photo Shots Of Horse At The Beach
This is one of the most amazing photographs of a horse! The image has been used in a large number of Internet memes, videos and viral images over the years. But you probably won’t know the name of the photographer or the story behind it. That’s because the photographer’s name was cropped out of his…
The Donkey Who Lost His Sight Hopes The ‘Bug-Eyed’ Mask Will Be Helpful
A donkey called Jonty who lost his sight after he stood on a sharp thorn is making progress thanks to a specialist “bug-eyed” mask. The 17-year-old has been attracting attention at the Donkey Sanctuary’s Devon headquarters, but the Guardian mask helps him cope with the sunlight as it protects him from UV rays. A spokesman…
The Five Most Beautiful And Rare Horses In The World
All horses are beautiful, but this gallery of unique stallions and mares take majestic to a whole new level. 1)The Golden Akhal Teke. This horse is beautiful enough to be a bronzed statue! With an unbelievably shiny coat that appears to be metallic in the sun, the Akhal Teke is the national emblem of the…
Marwari “Horses” From India- Interesting Facts About Them
The Marwari horse is a rare horse breed from the Indian region of Marwari which may be better known to most as Jodphur. Perhaps this beautiful smart horse is best known for its inward-turned ear tips which give its unique look. However, there are many other things which are interesting to learn about the Marwari,…
Mother Horse Reunites With Her Son After 9 Years Apart
That is for sure that mother-child bond is one of the strongest bonds; our mothers’ love towards us is unconditional and vice versa. The video that you are going to watch is a video of a mother horse reuniting with her son after being far from each other for a long time. The two ex-racehorses…