1) The biggest equines in the world are the draft breeds. These horses were bred to pull or carry large loads. Included in the draft breeds are the Shire, Percheron, and Clydesdale horses. Before the use of trucks and tractors, draft horses pulled plows, wagons, streetcars, barges, and other farm implements and conveyances. They were…
Sassy Newborn Foal Has Heart-Stopping Wipeout In Pasture
Felix is a playful and happy foal who is three weeks old. He lives in a beautiful farm near Peterborough, Ontario, along with a few other horses, some cows, and a few dogs. He lives a carefree life and has access to several pastures and paddocks which he can romp and play in alongside his…
A Rider Is Fighting For Life After Saving A Stranger’s Horse From Fire
An international dressage rider is fighting for life after sustaining a severe head injury while rescuing a stranger’s horses from a yard ravaged by bush fires. German rider Janina Kletke, who is based in Australia, responded to a phone call asking if she could collect four horses from a burnt-out property in Garfield North, Victoria….
Man Thinks Parking His Horse And Cart In McDonald’s Car Park Is A Good Idea When You’re Starving
You see plenty of cars, vans and the odd motorbike parked in McDonald’s car parks as drivers and riders pop in for a quick bite. But you don’t see many horses. So it was something of a surprise when traffic police officers on a night shift saw this chap park his horse and gig outside…
The Horse-Human Connection Explained By Equestrian Confessions
Horses are an all-consuming force of nature that alter every aspect of our lives, but maybe it’s time to fess up. Here are 10 true equestrian confessions. 10.If my horse has a small cut, temperature, or “just seems off” I rush him to the vet; however, I was unable to justify a trip to the…
Meaningful Horse Quotes That Horse People But Not Only Can Relate To
“Somewhere…somewhere in time’s own space, there must be some sweet pastured place Where creeks sing on and tall trees grow, Some Paradise where horses go. For by the love that guides my pen I know great horses live again.” ~ Stanley Harrison “The earth would be nothing without the people, but the man would be…
Last Time Ride For The 87-Year-Old Woman With Parkinson
A woman with Parkinson’s disease is left bedridden but thanks to some special friends, she is able to enjoy her passion for riding horses one more time. For those of you who do not know, here is an explanation of Parkinson’s disease (Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms start…
The Breathtaking Experience Of The Horse-Surfing In One Video
Horse boarding is the modern version of chariot racing that promises to pump extreme hearts and classic horse lovers. They say taking off is the hardest part. Please welcome the world of horse boarding, where horsepower is, in fact, the power output of a horse. Not a jet ski. Horse boarding can be enjoyed both…
8 Ways How Horses Change Your Life Forever
1) You become a hoarder. Because gradually, bit by bit (no pun intended), your spare room becomes a storage space for bridles, saddles rugs, boots, show gear, normal gear, yard clothes, lesson clothes, spare saddlecloths and various other pieces of horsey equipment. It never gets thrown out or sold because you “might need it” sometime…
Unique and Versatile American Saddlebred Horse
The American Saddlebred originated in the southern United States during the country’s early days, descended from the Narragansett Pacer and the Thoroughbred. It became a popular riding horse due to its intelligence and smooth gaits, therefore the main choice for many generals during the Civil War. The first breed registry was formed in 1891, and…