One little girl and her horse were given the scare of a lifetime when his bodily function just about broke the sound barrier! Walking down a dirt path surrounded by an abundance of beautiful greenery and trees, the darling child and her horse casually made their way down the alluring trail. As she trots back…
Five Beautiful Horse Breeds Originating In Russia
1.The Orlov Trotter is arguably the most famous Russian horse breed and doubtless the first choice for a troika. The breed, distinguished for its pace and stamina, was developed in the late 18th century by Count Alexey Orlov, brother of Grigory Orlov, who was a favorite of Catherine the Great. The ancestor of the breed…
Wild Vs Domestic Horses- Behavioral Similarities
Throughout the years, as humans domesticated and bred horses, gentler horses emerged. Every horse is an individual and, whether wild or domestic, wants to be recognized entirely for himself. Horses as a breed have characteristics that separate them from all other animals. We know that horses are herd animals and have a hierarchical social behavior…
Infectious Happiness Of Horses To Cheer You Up
If you need a little pick-me-up today, then these 10 pictures of hilariously happy horses are sure to do the trick! Horses can make anything better. When you’ve had a bad day, a trip to the barn can help to improve your mood and make the world look just a little bit better. These happy…
These Three Horses Were Destined To Slaughter But Fortunately Got Saved
Identified only by the number on their auction tags, three horses stood in crowded kill pens – their pasts erased and their lives reduced to mere dollars and cents. When no longer useful to their previous owners, they were sent to the auction house, thrown away like trash. With countless numbers of horses going through…
Horse Jamming To His Favourite Band When The Music Starts
It’s nearly impossible to not jam out when a classic Fleetwood Mac song comes on the radio. Why shouldn’t horses get in on the fun? This awesome stallion couldn’t help but dance along when serenaded with one of their most famous tunes! If there’s an album cover more epic than Stevie Nicks’ “In Your Dreams,”…
5 Expensive Stallions That Cost More Than Airplanes
5) Palloubet d’Halong – 15 million dollars. He was known as one of the best show-jumping horses in the world and was bought by Olympic Gold Medallist Jan Tops for this whopping price. Tops is the coach of the Qatar jump showing team and Palloubet was bought to compete for the country. 4) The Green…
Three College Boys Take On 400-Mile Unicycle Ride To Benefit Injured Riders
Three university students are set to take to the roads of Ireland on unicycles to raise funds for the Irish Injured Jockeys Fund. The trio of 21-year-olds, Will Forsyth-Forrest, Hector Chamberlain and Wilfrid Ward, currently studying in Dublin, will be starting their ambitious 400-mile challenge and hope to break the world record by completing the…
Wildfire Destroys Part Of Historical French National Stud
A fire that broke out overnight has destroyed part of the historic French National Stud of St Lo (Haras National de Saint-lo). A statement on the Pole Hippique Saint-lo Facebook page said a rider living on-site had spotted the outbreak of the fire in stable block number three at around midnight. All 22 horses in…
These Animals Love Hugging And Cuddling As Much As Humans
Who does not love a warm and friendly hug? Apparently, cuddling is not just limited to humans as animals, too, love a hug. And it is not just dogs and cats who love to be cuddled by their owners. This heartwarming video will show you that everyone loves an occasional cuddle sometimes. From the goose…