Sometimes, you just need to take a really good nap. Not only does napping give you a big burst of energy afterward, but it also feels nice to just take a break. Just ask this sleepy baby horse named Ginger! In the video below the brown foal is seen plopped on the ground, enjoying a…
After Rescuing A Horse From Slaughter, Dispatcher Reveals That She Has Consequently Saved Another Life, The Horse’s Baby
In October 2016, 911 dispatcher Amy Neary was called to the scene of a crash on the interstate. About 30 horses were involved in the accident. They were being transported to a slaughterhouse. Of those 30 animals, several were injured and died. But the lucky survivors were carted off to new homes, including one horse…
Adorable Dachshund Takes His Huge Pet Horse For A Walk
Friendships come in all shapes and sizes, and the friendship between 3-year-old dachshund Schnitzel and his horse Chief is no exception. In the video below, a little black dachshund and his white horse companion take a quick stroll around the stables, and Schnitzel leads the way! Despite the wind and dreary-looking sky, Schnitzel and Chief…
Caring Horse Decides To Rock The Seat Of The Crying Baby
Well, that’s one way to calm your toddler down! A little toddler by the name of Ruby got the experience of a lifetime when a horse named Red started rocking Ruby’s baby seat. Red was still in his stable, but he wasted no time offering his nose to rock Ruby back and forth in her…
Horse Maternity Photoshoot, One Of The Most Interesting Things To Do With Your Horse
If you’re a horse person, you understand how incredible they truly are. They’re so much more than an animal on the farm: they’re a true companion. When a horse named Paisley was about ready to pop with a little foal, her human Elizabeth Lacroix, who just so happens to be the amazing photographer of Genesis…
Young Cowboy Becomes A Hero And Rescues Trapped Horse
The floodwater from Hurricane Harvey was unbelievable. Between Texas and Louisiana, there were an estimated 24.5 trillion gallons of water left behind. Because of this, evacuation and rescue missions became that much harder. Complete strangers helped one another out, just like this cowboy did. However, instead of saving another human, he found a horse all…
Acrobatic Photoshoot Of Bride Who Decided To Include A Horse As Well
Joanne Eccles is a British horse vaulting star. Naturally, when Joanne decided to marry, her dear horse, WH Bentley, was a huge part of the ceremony. As a competitive vaulter, Joanne has 11 senior championship medals, including three gold medals from World Championships. Joanne began vaulting when she was 8 years old. This year, for…
Girl Scratches Her Horse’s Back But The Horse Makes Sure To Return The Favour
There’s not much that feels better than a good back scratch, right? Just take it from a horse named Rosie. On June 15, 2016, Rosie’s pint-sized owner was soaking her injured feet in cold water and scratching the horse’s back. “My daughter jumped right in the water with Rosie and started scratching her back,” Melissa…
Police Horse Couldn’t Resist Playing A Tune On The Piano
When city workers for the Manchester Community Park in New Hampshire put out a series of bright pink and yellow pianos in the park they probably expected lots of kids to bang on the keys and even some experienced pianists to play for people hanging out in the park. But I bet no one expected…
Man Fulfils His Dying Wish To Feed A Horse 3 Days Before He Passed Away
For those of us who are young and healthy, thinking about the last experience we’d like to have is a daunting task. There is so much to choose from if you enjoy as many activities as I do. But for those who are on the brink of death, only the most important things matter. These…