This video might be short in length, but it makes up for it all 100 percent with just how amazingly hilarious it all is! The woman behind the camera clearly was expecting a totally normal day when things suddenly got very out of hand. And for anyone who thinks that animals don’t have a unique…
Big Horse Walks Up To A Children’s Pool And Turns It Into A Bathtub
It’s summertime, and that means a few seasonal fixtures have taken over the family yard. Perhaps your kid or grandkids have made use of their wading pool. The barbecue has most certainly been getting its use in recent months, and there may or may not be some lawn chairs folded out for sunbathing. Naturally, this…
Horse Keeps Interrupting The News Reporter During The Shot
A news reporter for a local station now knows that animals don’t always do what you want. The Greek reporter was attempting to film a quick segment when his background actor decided that he deserved to be the real star just like his idol Mister Ed! The reporter got through the first few seconds of…
Rescue Horse With A Huge Passion For Painting Had A Life-Changing Experience
It’s been said that everyone on Earth has a “secret talent.” Some people are particularly good at singing, some love to dance, and some have yet to find that one thing that they’re destined to do to make the world a better place. Metro the horse used to think his special talent was running. Metro…
Special 30th Birthday For The Last Living Black Beauty
The last living Black Beauty has celebrated his 30th birthday with the help of 200 fans. Billy, owned by Louise Maryon, is one of five black horses who starred in the 1994 film adaption of the Anna Sewell novel. The Orlov trotter was imported from Moscow at the end of 1992 and bought for Warner…
Pregnant Mare Gives Birth To Rare All-White Foal
When Beautiful Devil, an all-white mare at the Patchen Wilkes Farm, went into labor, farm manager Barry Ezrine had to drop everything and help her. The new arrival started coming into the world at a strange yet special time: in the final quarter of this year’s Super Bowl! But the foal isn’t like any other:…
These Miniature Horses Are Some Of The Best Jumpers Out There
As much as I love horses, I find miniature horses to being even more delightful. No matter what age they are, they look like young ponies, and they sometimes seem even more playful than the full-size versions. Even just the way their little legs trot around is so precious. If it were practical to have…
88 Wild Horses Finally Set Free To Where They Belong
It’s hard to believe that there are actually people out there who want to kick wild horses off of the public lands that they’ve called home for so many years. With their grazing areas getting smaller and smaller with each passing month, these animals have been forced to do whatever it takes to find grazing…
Husky Gets Close To Two Giant Horses And Tries To Make Them His Friends
Huskies are well known for their amazingly outgoing natures and happy-go-lucky attitudes. So when you watch the video below, you’ll see just how friendly they really are! Max loves to go on long walks with his mom every single day. And a close neighbor happens to have a farm just outside the neighborhood. So when…
Young Boy With Autism Refuses To Speak With Parents But Finds His Voice With The Help Of Therapy Horses
Every parent knows the joy of welcoming a child into the world and having your first is an experience unlike any other. Rupert and Kristin Isaacson felt no different when they delivered a healthy baby boy in the hospital. Like any new family, Rowan was truly a blessing, but then they started to notice strange…