Love horses? Then I think you’ll absolutely love this video. The Duchess Sanctuary, operated by The Fund for Animals in partnership with the HSUS, is an 1120-acre facility located near Oakland, OR. It’s a gorgeous, vast oasis for hundreds of formerly abused, abandoned, neglected, and homeless horses. In the short-and-sweet clip below, the staff is…
Foal Rejected By His Mother Shows Love To His Rescuers And ‘New Mom’
When Skye’s mother, Ruby, was pregnant with him, no one could tell because she was so emaciated. The poor mare was rescued from a horse auction in Pennsylvania. Although she was just skin and bones, her beautiful, icy blue eyes caught the attention of her rescuer. The woman who rescued Ruby brought her to Thornbury…
Couple Decides To Include A Horse At Their Wedding Dance
Many couples share a traditional first dance on their wedding day, but others opt for a more creative routine like the pair in the video below. Jessica and Tom Davies decided to take it further than most couples and incorporate the bride’s beloved 20-year-old horse Toffee, whom she’s had since she was 10. The trio…
Aerial Video Of Performer And His Horses Shows The Beautiful Connection That They Have
Lorenzo is one of the few people on earth who honestly seems capable of speaking with horses. Ever since he was a small child he has lived his life around these beautiful and powerful creatures, so over the years, he’s learned firsthand to give these huge animals the love and respect they deserve. He’s performed…
Since Training Became A Little Monotone, Horses Spiced Things Up With A Dance
If you have horses, you’re never going to be able to properly train them if they don’t enjoy working with you. It’s like any other relationship. If you don’t like your coworkers, chances are that you’re not ever going to move forward in your career. If you don’t enjoy spending time with band members or…
Horse Becomes An Internet Icon For The Way She Moves Around
While all foals are adorable (as most baby animals are), the gait of the Paso Fino breed often makes these horses stand out. If you’ve never seen one of these horses in action, then feast your eyes on this little one below and you’ll quickly understand why this breed is so special. This brown baby…
Two Donkeys Escape By Jumping Over The Fence, But A Third One Outsmarts Them
Watching horses jump out of their enclosures is never particularly surprising. They are, after all, known for their great jumping ability. What is slightly more surprising, though, is watching donkeys jump over fences to escape their enclosures. Although horses and donkeys have many similarities, I never knew donkeys could jump so well. A few years…
The Highest-Earning Racing Horses Of All Times
There are some exceptionally wealthy racehorses out there, or at least there would be if they got to keep the cash. While the horses compete purely for the love of sport, plus the promise of continued board and lodgings, those who race them have the potential to become extremely rich. The owners of the sport’s…
Horse Aggressiveness On The Stall- Why Are They Sometimes Aggressive?
To modify this unwanted and potentially dangerous behavior, it helps to understand why a horse might be grumpy in this situation. One reason is that other horses passing in the barn aisle are physically close, and less distance generally equates to a greater threat. Another reason is that horses are usually fed hay and grain…
Dogs Chase Pony And Rider Gets Thrown From Vehicle
A carriage driver who was thrown from her vehicle when her pony was chased by dogs has said multi-user routes won’t work unless everyone plays their part. Sue Hamley-Richards of North Pembrokeshire and groom Jane Howell attended the opening ceremony of a multi-user route between Narberth and Haverfordwest, held by Pembrokeshire County Council and charity…