It’s a well-known fact that humans and horses share a very special bond, but these two might just take the cake! This woman spends most of her waking life in the confines of a wheelchair, but just because she can’t walk on her own two feet, it doesn’t mean she can’t soar above everyone else…
Horse With “Healing Powers” Helps People With Troubled Bodies And Spirits
Whether or not you believe in holistic medicine, one thing is certain: there is just something about the relationship we humans have with animals that is absolutely incredible! And when that relationship is used to help a human feel better? You can actually see the results with your own two eyes. This special horse retreat…
Pregnant Horse Had A Difficult Pregnancy; A Miracle Saved Both Her And Her Child
Dr. Karri and the folks at the Vet Ranch were recently called about a unique situation. No cats or dogs this time, but a pregnant horse who was up for auction. The poor mare named Nova was to be shipped to Mexico and sold for processing. Thankfully, the Vet Ranch received enough donations for the…
Horse Won’t Allow His Owner To Leave The Barn Unless He Gets A Neck Rub
Whether or not you’re a pet owner, this adorable video of Levi the horse will certainly bring a smile to your face. In this clip, Levi may have only just met this man for the first time, but that didn’t stop him from relentlessly requesting a neck rub. The beautiful Oldenburg gelding, who lives at…
Bald Man Experiences Unique Massage From A Friendly Horse
When this man came to visit the beautiful horses at a local farm, he had no idea he was about to film himself in a “viral video!” But when he began to record one particularly friendly horse he knew that he had made a best friend for life! Just like the adorable horse who demanded…
Sassy Horses Get Excited By A Truck Full Of Apples
We aren’t afraid to admit it, fall is our favorite season. It’s not that the other seasons don’t have plenty of merits; we’re huge fans of the spring, summer, and winter too! It’s just that there’s something extra special about the crispness of autumn weather, and the leaves turning. And we’re not the only ones…
She’s Been Told That Her Horse Is Dead But In Fact, Her Horse Is Just A Talented Actor
The animals will do the funniest things to catch our eye — any pet lover knows that! Our pets are smarter than we know and perhaps have a good idea of what will make us laugh. Sometimes, they inadvertently make appearances during important moments, just like this alpaca who photobombed the photoshoot of a surprise…
Rare Filly Takes Her First Steps In The Outside World
When a proud mother gave birth to her little baby, her humans were even more amazed when they first laid eyes on the little filly’s incredible face. While all horses are beautiful no matter what their color pattern may be, this adorable baby came out of her mom with a very rare pattern known as…
Guinness Record Horses Who Really Stood Out From The Others
World’s tallest horse. The tallest recorded horse was a gelding of a shire race, named Samson. He was born in 1846. In 1850 he was 215 cm and weighed 1524 kg. Currently, the world’s tallest horse is Big Jake – of Belgian race, he is 210.19 cm (presented in the video below). World’s smallest horse….
Cute, Funny And Motivational Horse Quotes And Sayings
1.) All horses deserve, at least once in their lives, to be loved by a little girl. 2.) Coffee, Chocolate, Cowboys… some things are just better rich. – Original source unknown 3.) It is the difficult horses that have the most to give you. – Lendon Gray 4.) Attributed to Lady Thornicroft after the hunt…