1) Ears: One of the first things kids learn when they start riding horses is to always check the horse’s ears to get a read on their mood. Horses have incredibly expressive ears, and they’re easy to read, which is why this is an important lesson for everyone, equestrian or not! If a horse’s ears…
Baby Horse Shows Everyone Some Interesting ‘Yoga’ Moves
Yoga has become one of the most popular fitness trends for all age groups in the United States, but it turns out that it’s not just humans who are pulling off some of these hard stretches: animals have gotten in on it, too! It was a totally normal day on the farm when suddenly a…
Horse Gets Rescued From Being Stuck In 6 Feet Of Muddy Water
Sometimes, animals and pets escape their homes and get stuck in horrible scenarios. Dogs get lost, cats jump into the road and startle drivers, and horses sometimes, somehow, get trapped in a bad spot. And that horse situation is exactly what happened in Lakeland recently. The Polk County sheriffs, fire rescue crews, department of agriculture,…
Young Girl Struggles To Climb On The Horse’s Back, So She Tries Another Way To Do So
Horses are pretty awesome animals, considering all that they do for us. Besides serving as strength and transportation, they can also be kind comrades and playful companions. Many people may think of them as dangerous, considering their size, but some horses are actually incredibly gentle, as long as they aren’t being attacked or provoked. They…
200 Horses Trapped On Island Get Rescued By 7 Brave Women
Nearly 200 horses were stranded on a small island in the Netherlands. A huge storm surge pushed seawater into the earth outside the dikes of Marrum, a town 90 miles from Amsterdam. Nineteen horses drowned or died of exposure on the muddy knoll that was turned into an island. The international press began to pick…
The Tail Light Invention Will Keep Horses Safe At Night
For anyone who loves horses, the idea of one getting injured is enough to bring a tear to anyone’s eyes. These majestic creatures deserve to live happy and healthy lives, along with their incredible intelligence and funny personalities, horses really are incredible animals. So when Sami Gros was riding her beloved animal, her whole world…
Indonesian Man Walks Around Town With A Mobile Horse Library For Children
With all of the technology out there, kids are becoming less and less interested in actual paper books. Screens have taken over leisure time. Afternoons used to be spent sitting in a sunny corner of the house, enjoying a good novel, but now? Kids just want to watch YouTube or cartoons on the TV. Even…
The Story Of A Farmer Who Gave A Second Chance To The Horse
For his entire life, Max the horse never allowed anyone to come near him, touch him or even attempt to train him. Max was considered a dangerous and aggressive horse — so much so that his owner was planning to abandon him. But just in the nick of time, enter Michael, a farm manager in…
Pet Store Owner Saves Baby Mini Horse’s Life
Five hours after giving birth to her mini colt on the island of Cape Cod, a mother horse suffered a fatal complication. Her baby was left motherless and alone — but enter a woman named Lucille, who decided to step in as the mini horse’s surrogate mom. Not only is Lucille the owner of Paws…
Talented Horses Dance During Some Fun Liberty Training With Their Owner
If you have horses, you’re never going to be able to properly train them if they don’t enjoy working with you. It’s like any other relationship. If you don’t like your coworkers, chances are that you’re not ever going to move forward in your career. If you don’t enjoy spending time with band members or…