The Heilan Horse Culture Museum in Jiangyin City, China, stands as one of the most extraordinary and luxurious equestrian facilities in the world. Initially rumored to be a lavish stable in Dubai, this impressive establishment has since been identified as a cultural landmark operated by the Heilan Group, a leading Chinese menswear manufacturer expanding into…
Police Horse Takes Revenge On Young Woman After Getting Slapped
It is indeed surprising when you think about how uninformed people are when it comes to horses. Although being very popular all around the world. apparently people do not know how to behave with horses. Also. they do not know the fact that if they show any clue of aggressivity towards horses they might expect…
40 Years Old Horse And Dedicated 58 Years Old Man Give Themselves A Reason To Live
Throughout our lives, all of us make a lot of friends, however, there are only a few of them who are true friends and are willing to help you when you are in need. At one point, friends can become as important as family members and it really important for everyone to have these friends…
Cutting Horse Proves Everyone That He Doesn’t Need A Rider To Finish His Job
There are some horses who manage to do great on their own even in situations when a rider is needed. Horses are very intelligent animals and if you train them well, they can do great things even alone. They learn to be independent and act on their own just like they would do if their…
Little Boy’s Dream To Meet Budweiser Clydesdale Horses Finally Comes True
I believe we all agree that Budweiser Clydesdales have become the most famous horses in the world. They are a wonderful team of Clydesdale horses who can be seen in different ads and commercials made by the Anheuser-Busch Company, an American brewing corporation founded in 1852. The Budweiser Clydesdale’s are recognized for their spectacular advertisements…
Gorgeous Gypsy Vanners And Their Trainer Make The Dream Team
Gypsy Vanners are some of the most outstanding horses in the world and we are definitely very lucky to have them around. These amazing creatures look like they come from another planet because their beauty is so magical and enchanting. People usually recognize them due to their remarkable look but people who have worked with…
Horseman Shows Off The Relationship With His 6 Horses
There are excellent horsemen all over the world from America to Asia who have done tremendous work in the horse industry and deserve our recognition. One of the horse trainers who has become well known these past few years for his beautiful liberty performances is also Dan James, whose passion for horses began when he…
6 Fascinating Facts About The Suffolk Punch Horse
I’m pretty sure that every time draft horses are mentioned, we immediately think about Belgian or Clydesdale horses because they the most popular draft horses in the world. But there are also other draft horses who are just as good as them. One of them is also the Suffolk Punch, a beautiful draft horse that…
Horse Gathers His Strength And Delivers An Extreme Jump
Just when horse lovers think that they have seen it all in the horse world, horses prove to us that we were wrong and show us a different aspect of themselves that we didn’t know about. Below we are going to show an unbelievable horse who made an extraordinary jump and I’m pretty sure that…
Horses Get Excited As Soon As They See Snow Outside
It’s been a few months since we left winter behind and pretty sure we are heading to the summer, which is generally the favorite season for all the people as it gives the option of a lot of activities that other seasons do not give, that is why people mostly take their vacations during the…