When it comes to horses every single one of us has wide information about this topic. A lot of us have been spending a huge portion of our lives accompanied by horses and all these years are translated into learned lessons and expanded information. However, we have decided to bring some facts that you might…
Sassy Miniature Horse Gets Excited While Trying His New Bed
Are you the type of person who likes getting presents? Well, I don’t think that there is anybody in the world who doesn’t like them, although a lot of people have problems with admitting it. The adorable baby horse named Oberyn gets a brand new bed and he seems to be totally going crazy about…
The Young Foal Is Full Of Energy Even 1 Hour After Being Born
The story below this one was the total opposite of what you are going to read here. In the other story, he had a foal who was very scared of the outside world after he was born and it was strongly reflected on his attitude towards his dog friend who was trying very hard and…
Newborn Foal Struggles To Get Familiar To His Dog Pal
The moment that an animal is born. the whole thing is associated with a lot of uncertainty and it is definitely one of the most difficult experiences for some of them. This is the story of the 3 weeks old foal named Bravo who met Amie. a grown-up dog. Bravo was very afraid to him,…
10 Special And Majestic Horse Breeds That Stand Out
Horse’s beauty is something that can be easily visualized by every single one of us; we do unanimously agree that they are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Strong support of what I just said can be found in the mythology. Horses are the animals that are used the most because of…
Rider’s Crazy Journey On Getting Her Horse Familiar To His New Life
As cute and tender as horses can be, there are a lot of scenarios with a totally different reaction from them. Sometimes they are full of anger and can be very dangerous for the owner and the may reason it may happen is because of its previous life. This seems to be the case for…
Dog Challenges Mini Ponies In A Race!
Miniature horses are one of the most adorable creatures in the world. Sometimes they are very underestimated compared to a normal/big sized horses, especially for people who lack information about horses that may think that they aren’t capable of doing things that a normal horse can. Although they are smaller, they have demonstrated to be…
Amazing Rescuers Saved Horses From Dangerous Flooding
During the past few years, Houston has experienced a lot of dangerous floods that are mainly caused by extreme rainfall in this area. The water levels rose 25-27 feet above the accepted level which made things even worse. All these floods have taken the lives of hundreds of people and at the same time, thousands…
Effective Therapy Program Helps Recovering Veterans And Racehorses
An amazing therapy program to recover veterans and retired racehorses has demonstrated to be one of the most amazing and at the same time effective. The therapy was initiated by men and women who are all veterans considering themselves people who are struggling a lot to adjust to the ‘civilian life’. “It’s not easy at…
Excited Dog Meets Two Young Horses For The First Time And ‘Fights’ To Be Accepted
Are you an owner of both a horse and a dog? If yes, then you have probably been part of so many amazing moments between these two adorable animals. What about the first day when your dog met your horse? I don’t think your dog was even aware that they were a different species from…