In this article, a lot of food lovers will totally relate because this horse is doing what every single person who can’t keep him/herself away from good food does. Have you ever went to the refrigerator in the middle of the night to grab a snack or even eat a full meet just because you…
Prison Inmates Get Inspired By Taking Care Of Retired Thoroughbred Horses
Ending up in jail is one of the worst things that you can ever go through. It is proof that you have failed to take control of your life by doing things that are not meant to be done. A lot of people in prison face extreme psychological tension with a lot of them ending…
The 16-Year-Old Horse Is One Of The Most Important People In 6-Year-Old Girl’s Life
Kids are probably the world’s best animal lovers. For a lot of them especially those who are introverted kids it is really difficult to find a friend in kindergarten or elementary school so they can always rely on an animal. Kids seem to be more and more animal-friendly in recent years than 20 years ago…
The Horse Is Reunited With One Of His Best Friends Who Is A Camel
On this website, we have demonstrated a lot of ‘strange’ friendship with horses with a lot of animals. We have seen horses who were living far away from humans and they did not even know that the human existed, instead they were symbiotically living with seals and everyone was shocked by that. We have also…
Sophie The Horse Was Miseducated About Humans Until Man Leads Her The Right Way
Sophie the horse has been fully miseducated by her previous owner, hence one day she decided to abandon them so she just ran away. In the amazing video that you are going to watch, Rick who is very informed about horses and the attitude that we should have towards them takes on the difficult mission…
A Lot Of People Join Together And Make The Disabled Girl’s Wish Come True
Childhood is one of the most beautiful moments in everyone’s life, however, Alexus Lasiter who is only 7 years old and been dealing with a lot of diseases such as cerebral palsy, Asperger’s syndrome, a seizure disorder, heart problems, and kidneys trouble is not having a childhood like any other kid. She’s has been going…
4 Unique Ways Horses Can Say ‘I Love You’ To Their Owners
The reality shows that not only humans can express emotions but horses can do that to. Following, we will be showing you how horse can express appreciation and the 4 unique ways they can say “I love you” to the owner. Have a look, and let us know if your horse does the same thing….
Naughty Pony Decides To Spoil His Owner’s Filming
Have you been able to teach your horse some tricks? Have you ever failed with your horses when you must have not? Answer this question after you read the story that I am about to bring in. This is a story of Eva who is a well-known Dutch horse trainer and the owner of an…
Firefighters Were Perfectly On Time To Save Horses Stuck On The Freezing Pond
We are already in October and the Winter will be approaching in a few months. Although the majority of people love the snowy weather, it is often associated with situations like the one below. Two poor horses were stuck in the middle of nowhere in a freezing pond and were desperately looking for help. Over…
Farm In Boston Aims To Improve Veteran’s Mental Health Through Horse-Riding
Mental health is definitely something that the majority of us fully neglect. It looks like something that should not be taken seriously because we are usually told that physical health is what matters the most. Mental health is still very abstract to a lot of people. Another way how people are misled is through believing…