One of the most beautiful things in a child’s life is having the ability to walk and play different games with their friends. It is such a difficult moment when they have to use an electric wheelchair and they can’t do the same activities the same way their peers do. Before continuing with the story,…
A Stunning Wild Horse Runs Into Deep Water For A Beautiful Meeting
Researchers strongly believe that the place where the animals are most happy is their natural habitat. Although you might do an incredible job as a horse owner and make your horse pet feel very comfortable, nothing can be a substitute for a free-living in nature in the company of your family and friends and the…
Gorgeous Horse Is So Hyped About Meeting A Fluffy Cat
One of the most exciting things about animals is when they get to meet new friends, especially friends of a different species that they are used to. We have talked about a lot of fancy friendships between horses and unusual animals such as penguins, seals, camels etc, but today we decided to keep it simple….
Retirement House Has A Strong Mission To Save Champions From The Slaughterhouse
One of the most heartbreaking and cruel things that the horsey world has been continuously experiencing is slaughterhouse (not only the horsey world but the animal world in general). Horses are widely used for a lot of benefits and at the moment they are no longer available to be money-earning “machines”. Some of them are…
Man Plays A Huge Flute And Waits For The Horse’s Reaction
One of the things that connect people the most is definitely music. There are a lot of different genres so whatever you are feeling on a certain day, you can match the feeling by playing a piece of music. Not only us like music, but animals as well have shown to be music lovers. Do…
Group Of Bikers Think Fast And Save A Drowning Horse
We frequently say that seconds and minutes can make a difference but we do not mean it until we see or experience it ourselves. This is the perfect example of this expression that is widely used. A huge horse was blocked off the side of the road and it was difficult to be seen. A…
The Little Boy Can’t Stop Laughing At The Picture Of Donkey
What is the most beautiful thing for parents to see? Of course, it is to see his/her child very happy at every single moment in their lives. In this video, we have a young boy who looks at a picture of a donkey and he immediately starts laughing cause it seems like the most hilarious…
Adorable Pony Brings Positive Vibes To Children’s Hospital
Have you ever been in a very difficult period of your life and struggled to find someone you can relate to? Sometimes it is very difficult to relate to a family member and a friend hence, sometimes we choose to relate to an animal. Here is the example of these children at Children’s House at…
Horse Earns A Lot Of Money By Selling His Pictures
The moment I have ‘entered’ the horse world I have been mesmerized by a lot of things and I still get surprised. At the moment that I tell myself that you will no longer see something surprising about horses, a video or a story that appears in front of me on social media would prove…
Penguin Gets Lost From His Group Of Friends But A Herd Of Horses Is There To Accompany Him
If everyone talks about Antarctica or the very southern part of planet Earth, the first thing that will come in mind after the enormous frozen surfaces are the Penguins. If you do not know, Penguins are not considered to be animals, but they are actually birds who can’t fly. They are very good swimmers and…