Rodeo (an exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, wrestling steers, etc.) is considered to be one of the most dangerous disciplines ever and only a few people are courageous enough to give it a try. I would never try this disciplines cause it is really risky for…
The Inspiring Story Of The Teenage Para Showjumper With Big Dreams
The majority of us have certain goals that we want to achieve in the future. We do have a reflection in our brains of how will our ideal future look like and how possible it is to make it a reality. A lot of things come by chance, but what will really make you achieve…
Useful Tips On How To Properly Train An Aggressive Horse
Judging by the articles/videos that we have seen on the internet and at the same different stories from our followers, one of the riskiest things that a horse person might go through is trying to turn an aggressive one into a tender one. There are a lot of people, who I would call them “soulless”…
25 Mexican Police Horses Rebel And Run In The Wilderness
The video that we are going to bring is a very old one cause it was recorded in 2013 but still it is worth sharing with the readers. On one of the busiest and high-security days in Mexico City, about 25 police horses decided to rebel and run like the wind. The strangest part is…
One Of The Biggest Wild Horses’ Protectors Shares This Wonderful Video To Support Them
One of the biggest questions that a lot of us ask is whether the horses are better in the wild or in a barn? The right away answer would be in the Wild, cause we all believe that the thing that the horses appreciate the most is freedom, but what about the safety? The wilderness…
Wild Horse Is Extremely Thankful Towards His Savior
One of the things that I personally love about animals is that they are in general more thankful towards us than our human-friends. We are going to introduce the case of a horse, but the majority of animals do behave the same. Unfortunately, in some countries, even in developed or in developing economic areas, there…
Things Riders Say To People Who Have Never Been Around Horses Before
Did you ever share an interesting horse experience with your friends who knows nothing about them? Sometimes it seems like you are talking with a wall. And when it comes to the horsey jokes, they will never get them so we just give up and talk about other topics but horses. I am pretty sure…
Friesian Horse Throws A Hilarious Tantrum When Her Owner Wants To Leave
Have you ever been ignored by your horse? On the contrary, have you ever tried to leave the horse’s barn but she would not allow you to do so. Having experience in either of the cases is something very usual, but what is not usual is a horse who has both attitudes at the same…
The Horse Managed To Find A Home After Waiting For More Than 5 Years
There are a lot of delicate topics when it comes to horses and one of them is definitely the well-being of the horses being in the wild. A lot of helicopters have been chasing after wild horses and the government is coming with the excuse that they are highly damaging the land so they had…
Rider Falls Off His Horse But Is Determined To Stay In The Competition
As all of you know, horse riding is not the easiest thing to do, leave alone the professional one. The story below is one of the stories where everything seems to be going perfectly well until something unexpected happens. In 2013, Rick Wallace and his horse Ultimate Decision competed at the Chattahoochee Hills Horse Trials…