Shooting a photo is an easier thing to do now than it was 20 years ago but on the other hand, the continuous technology improvement related to the camera resolution makes it more difficult to shoot a perfect one. People nowadays have a lot of tools on how to make a great photo. But as…
Friendly Goat Loves Standing On Top Of His Donkey’s Friend Body!
The thing that we are the most supportive of here is the adorable moments that animals have with each other, especially horse moments. I know that the content that this audience is looking for is content that has horses in focus, but this video is so adorable so we thought it would be something beautiful…
Rider And Her Beautiful Horse Deliver A Spectacular Freestyle For The Audience!
One of the things that horse people love the most is definitely freestyles, which are really similar to dressages but with a few differences that we have explained in an article two months ago by comparing the two disciplines together. However, the focus today is only in freestyles and in the video below you will…
Horse And Donkey Love Their New Home More Than Anything!
Did you ever move out to a new home? A lot of people have done it for different reasons and it is usually associated with difficulties to adjust to a different building, neighborhood or people. However, the orphan animals are usually waiting for a chance to move out from their places and a very good…
Hilarious Pony Tries To Enter A Shopping Spree In Berlin And Succeeds!
Did you ever go to a mall or just to a small shop being in the company of a four-legged friend? We have seen a lot of hilarious video who have broken the internet. Do you remember the pony who went to a local bar and was asking for his favorite chips? What about the…
Donkey Goes Through A Difficult Pregnancy But It’s All Worth It!
Pregnancy is one of the most painful but at the same time emotional things that a mother has to go through in her life, especially for mammals. I will bring back an interesting fact that I have brought here not a long time ago. (The pregnancy pain is the same pain as a human would…
Horses Help Teens With Asperger’s Build Self-Confidence!
Self-confidence is a very important characteristic that people should have because the lack of it is followed by a lot of social issues. People who lack self-confidence are the ones who usually underestimate themselves and get affected by others’ opinions on them which leads in a lot of cases, to wrong decision making and most…
Horses Go Swimming Together And Start Blowing Bubbles In The Water
You all know that horses, similar to humans, like swimming in the water, especially during a hot summer day. The two horses in the video below like to do the same. So far there’s nothing unusual about this video, but what makes it interesting is that they are trying to make this experience as interesting…
Not Running Fast But Running Slow Instead: Ban’ei Horse Sport!
What you are about to watch below goes against every single horse race that you have probably attended or seen on the television. There is a sport invented in Japan where the winner is the fastest horse like it is in every other race. The sport is called Ban’ei ( Baniei is a form of…
Paralyzed Rider Aims To Become A World Champion!
18 birthday is supposed to be one of the most important birthdays in everybody’s life because it is the moment when you “enter’ the grown-up period of your life and you start to take responsibilities and make your own decisions. Unfortunately, the story that we are going to bring for you talks about a girl…