Have you ever watched a horse race? It has become one of the most entertaining sports, especially in the USA and UK. A lot of people out there bet on racehorses, just like they do in other sports as well. However, this is not the main point of the video that we are going to…
Ten Of The Tallest And Heaviest Horses In The World
Different from humans, the size difference in horses is way more noticeable. There are extremely small horses and extremely huge ones. Some horses are 10 times the size and weight than some others, however here we are going to bring only the biggest ones from a list made by Trend Max. Let’s have a look….
The Horse Kept Disappearing Hence Owners Set Up A Camera To Figure Out Why
Although horses are considered to be one of the most mature species, I have my own doubts on this one. Sometimes they behave like little babies and I definitely have no problems with that. The horse in the video kept disappearing and his owners were trying to figure out why. No one at the Misty…
Horse And Cat Make One Of The Cutest Duos In The Internet
A few days ago I told you that I am going to bring you more horse-cat videos. We always talk about the relationship between dogs and horses or goats and horses, but this duo is as amazing as well but slightly underrated. Let us introduce you to one of the cutest duo on the internet…
One Of The Best Dancing Horses In The World Delivers An Amazing Performance
Apart from being gorgeous animals, horses have demonstrated to be talented at a lot of disciplines. The one that we are going to talk about today is one of the best dancers out there. We have watched a lot of horse dancing video and they have all been amazing, but this horse takes everything to…
The Young Girl Ran Inside The Burning Barn And Risked Her Life For Her Horse
I hope something like this will never happen to you but I want to ask you this question: What are you capable of doing for your horse? Do you think you would do the same thing the girl in the video did in order to save her horse? Answering this question in a sincere way…
Owner And Her Falabella Horse Have An Amazing Bond
Do you remember the first day when you got a horse? Did you fall in love right away or did it take some time for you to get used to it? No matter what, I can certainly say that your horse has impacted your life in a way or another. However, the video below kinda…
Team Of Rescuers Receives A Call That Led Them To A Group Of Neglected Horses
The video below is at the same time beautiful and scary. If you could ask a horse owner or trainer what is their opinion about horses, I am pretty sure they will say that they are the best friends you can ask for and I do have the same experience myself. That’s why I was…
The Inspiring Video Explains The Importance And Benefits Of Rescuing A Horse
Today, we live in a world where we try to use our resources in the most profitable way possible. Unfortunately, animals are considered to be resources as well and they are selected: which ones are the best and which the worst. Let’s take horses, for example, the stronger ones are used in labor and competitions…
The Baby Foal Had No Hope Until His Owner Becomes The Light At The End Of The Tunnel
One of the scariest things that can happen and frequently does happen to a lot of animals is slaughtering them. The food industry is highly depended on meat products, hence it is impossible to stop the slaughter. Although horses are way less affected than pigs and cows, they are still affected and we have shown…