I know that a lot of you may disagree with what I have to say, but I strongly believe that you can’t build as strong bonds with other animals as you can do with horses. I have spent time with a lot of different animals, but the feeling that I get from horses is different,…
Talented Cow Tries To Become A Horse
Are you the owner of an animal who sometimes behaves like another animal? We have seen horses behave like dogs or vice versa, but today we are going to introduce a cow who is pretty sure she’s a horse. Well, the thing is that she did not have a choice because her trainer taught her…
Equestrian Vaulters Deliver An Incredible Performance With Their Horses
The video below focuses on one of the most difficult disciplines that included horses, equestrian vaulting. Equestrian vaulting, or simply vaulting, is most often described as gymnastics and dance on horseback, which can be practiced both competitively or non-competitively. It is practiced by both men and women and it is fully recognized by the International…
Cow Needs A Friend And Finds The Perfect One
Have you ever felt lonely at a certain point in your life, like you needed a friend to spend some time with but at the same time, you were too shy to be the ice-breaker? It is one of the most awkward feelings, but fortunately, the cow in this video wasn’t shy, instead, he became…
The Most Hilarious Pet Tantrum Compilation Ever
If you are an animal owner, then you know how quickly does your animal’s mood changes. At a moment, you would think that it is the happiest animal in the world and a few minutes later, all the opposite. It is quite normal, it is not something new that animals are more emotionally unstable than…
Mare Tries To Protect Her Little Baby Filly From Other Horses
If you are a mother reading this article right now then you can emotionally understand the video below the best. I don’t know how true it is, but it believed that a mother’s love is bigger than the father’s one, however, I don’t want to open a debate about this topic. Maybe another time. Now…
Brave Woman Stood By Her Trapped Horse In Mud For 3 Hours Before Rescuers Came
The video below is another great testimony of how strong is the connection between horses and owners. We get to be more appreciative of the things we have when we are close to losing them. It is very shocking how strong we become in these horrible moments. We bring out the fighters inside us, we…
Beautiful Images Of Draft Horses That Make Justice Of Their Beauty
Although I think almost all of you are familiar with the draft horses, let me do a short introduction of this breed for the people who are not familiar with them. Draft Horses are the largest of the horse breeds. They were bred for hard, heavy tasks like pulling heavy loads, plowing fields, and other…
Man Shares His Experience On Fresh-Fruits Selling From Horse-Drawn Carriages
It is not something new that a lot of people have dedicated their lives only to horses and a lot are also economically depended on them. You might think that I am talking about professional riders who are specialized in different disciplines such as dressage freestyle, racing, obstacle jumping etc but this is not the…
Experience Of Swimming With Horses In Montego Bay, Jamaica
Jamaica is considered to be an Icon country when it comes to beautiful beaches and it is definitely distinctive when it comes to the unique culture, especially in music. Not only humans have fallen in love with this country and its amazing beauty but also the horses in the video seem to be enjoying a…