The thing that you are going to read might be a little unrealistic but indeed, it is very real. Yes, it is true that these four cowboys have ridden their wild horses 3000 miles (4828 km) around America. I still can’t believe it. They are quite a lot of miles. Let’s get more into the…
Bridleless Rider Proves That You Don’t Need Money To Do Well In The Horse World
In this article, we are going to introduce one of the talented bareback jumpers in the world. She is not really old, however, she has an experience of a lifetime with her horse. Her name is Alycia Burton and we would like you all to take a quick look into her life through her words…
Rescued Horse Is In Love With His New Life And Owners
The story below is one of the most emotional horse stories that I have ever read on the internet. While carrying on with the video, I could not keep myself from crying. Let’s get into the story. This is a story about a rescued Missouri Fox Trotter named Major. He was at the Camelot auction…
Compton Cowboys Aim To Combat The Negative Stereotypes About African-Americans
In the world that we are living in right now, racism and associated stereotypes with it are still a global problem. One of the biggest missions nowadays is to make everyone understand that there is only one race in the world the human race. A very supportive community that is fighting hard against this phenomenon…
Heroic Stallion Charges Towards Fire To Rescue His Family
A lot of wildfires have been taken place all around the world and a lot of animals have been in critical danger as the horses in the video below. Fortunately this time, nothing serious happened. The team of rescuers was on time to evacuate the horses on time from the life-risking flames. However, what needs…
Let’s Meet Feenja, A Mustang Who Is Building Up Her Trust In Humans.
A real struggle for wild horses is adjusting to the life of the domesticated ones. Throughout their lives, they are used to living without humans with a lot of them not even knowing anything about the existence of them, hence it makes it all difficult for them to get used to a completely different life….
Rider Shares A Unique Video That Expresses Her Relationship With Her Horse
It is time for one of those videos that our community enjoys watching, a video that expresses in a very beautiful way the beautiful horse-owner connection. The majority of you know what it feels like to be loved by a horse or vice versa, to love a horse as it is a family member. There…
Horse Trainer Explains How To ‘Fix’ A Horse That Kicks
The scariest part of being a horse person is when you have to deal with the aggressive behavior of your horses. In general, horses are really tender animals but at the same time, very sensitive which makes it easier for them to get aggressive. However, through this video, you will learn a lot about how…
Cowgirl Dresses All Her Horses Up For Halloween
Today is the last day of the month and at the same time, the most exciting one. Happy Halloween, everyone! For a lot of people, this is their favorite day of the year, especially in the US where Halloween is most popular. Have you decided what to wear for Halloween? Did you find an interesting…
Bridle Breaks During The Performance But Rider Keeps Going
Have you ever been in front of something that you need to prepare yourself to give the best out of you? You would try to predict everything that can possibly happen but unfortunately, there will still be something unexpected. The story of the rider in the video below is pretty much the same because something…