I keep saying that horses are the best therapy animals and I am really glad that a lot of inspiring stories on the internet prove my point. Equine therapy is developing even more throughout the years and I think that really soon, it will be among the most common therapy methods. Sometimes, emotional healing is…
The Horse Was Born With No Ears Yet She Is Very Happy With Her Life
Being born with a disability can be very challenging, but a lot of people and also animals have shown that they can still live a happy life, no matter their physical conditions. That is why we always like to bring inspiring stories like this one so a lot of people facing similar problems can find…
Horse Whisperer Helps To Cure The Traffic Phobic Horse
A lot of people have different phobias but not only, animals do also. Phobia means fear, but it is actually a higher level of fear, that is why it is classified as a disorder. The most common ones are fear from hight or from narrow spaces like elevators, however, it appears in other forms as…
Inspiring Rescue Horse Who Became A National Champion
One of the biggest things that I have realized in the equine world is that the majority of champion horses have experienced a lot of difficulties throughout their lives. It is time for another sad yet inspiring story of a horse who went through a difficult time but in the end, managed to become a…
93-Year Old Rider Proves That Age Is Just A Number
‘Age is just a number’ is a very famous quote used all around the world and the video below demonstrates that it is absolutely true. A lot of people have a structured idea about what a person at a certain age should do or they support the idea that when a person is old, he/she…
Girl Shows How Riding On A Wooden Horse Catapulted Her To Victory.
The majority of the professionals in different sports approve that practicing is more important than actually having talent in doing something. The only way to develop your talent is through practicing however I would like you all to tell me which one do you think is more important: Talent or practice? An aspiring jockey has…
Paraglider Manages To Land Onto The Back Of A Trotting Horse
Do you like extreme sports? Then we are going to talk about one of the most interesting ones that a lot of people love but a lot of them fear to try. It is called paragliding. Paragliders are supposed to land in a field, but the one in this video tries to do something different….
Horse Protects The Rancher From A Nervous Cow
The video below is all about love and protection from two different perspectives: horse-owner love and mother-child love. An intelligent horse helped a rancher tag his calves by protecting him from their nervous mother. Stallion Red did a great job of keeping the cows away from ranch managers Scott Warren and Jose Ibarra as the…
Horse Rider With Dwarfism Aims To Fulfill Her Wish Of Becoming A Professional
The story below is one of the most inspiring stories; it reminds us that no matter what, we should always found a possible way how to make our dreams reality. The rider below was born with dwarfism, however, she has a really clear objective that she wants to achieve in the future; she is fulfilling…
One Of Australia’s Most Patriotic Horses Waves The Country’s Flag
Patriotism or in other words, support and love for your country is something that is strongly incentivized by a lot of countries, especially during the Independence day. Today we are going to introduce you to a very patriotic horse. Is this the most patriotic horse in Australia? The massive 700kg Clydesdale horse Buddy who loves…