The underwater world is an amazing world with a lot of wonderful creatures, however, a lot of people throughout history have connected their lives with the underwater worlds hence a lot of objects used by them can be found underwater. It is also believed that the oceans contain the majority of gold in the world….
Engineer Creates A Horse Costume From A Famous Movie
I am pretty sure that the majority of you have heard of Star Wars, however, for those who might have not, here is the short introduction of what it is. Star Wars is an American epic space opera media franchise created by George Lucas. The franchise began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became…
Egoistic Horse Grabs The Hose Back To Shower Himself
Horse, unlike cats, are in general the biggest shower lovers, especially during a sunny day when a cold shower is just the ideal thing to do. Two horses are getting showered together at the same time but apparently one is a little egoistic. This greedy horse constantly grabs a hose back from showering another animal…
Cowboy Couple Introduces Their In-House Buffalo Pet
I am pretty sure that the majority of you are animal owners and of course, owners of horses. Do you think that a horse is big enough to be kept as a pet inside a house? The animals who do usually live inside a house are small in size so I believe you wouldn’t expect…
The Dog Couldn’t Resist Chasing Horses So He Was Kept Sit In A Car
A lot of times, dogs can be real troublemakers. Given their great playful personality, they do not have the ability to understand that sometimes they should not behave like that and that is the case with the dog in the video below. Two-year-old Bobby was sat alongside her owners’ step-father, racehorse trainer Jamie Osborne, while…
Skiers Tied To Horses Fly Down A Treacherous Track
Winter is coming very soon and in a month, it is going to be the perfect time for winter activities. Well, my favorite ones are definitely going for a walk on a Christmas market and of course, skiing. However, the video below is a whole level new level of skiing, way more difficult and not…
Energetic Horse Tries To Imitate The Girls’ Movements
I think you would all agree about the fact that horses are usually more tender and loving with kids compared to adults. I don’t really know how to explain it, but they tend to show their personality to the fullest. That’s what this amazing horse doing. This thoroughbred is clearly up for horsing around –…
Soldier And Military Horse Reunite After A Long Time
One of the saddest things in life is when you have to stay away from your loved ones for a long time because of your work obligations or future plans but on the other hand, reuniting moments are some of the best moments in life that is why we are bringing here a very emotional…
Shetland Pony Loves Drinking Tea In The Owner’s Kitchen
Keeping a big horse inside a house is a little difficult and very unusual, but it is not as unusual for ponies. I mean, it is difficult and you need to be very careful with the house’s objects, however, some owners do not mind it at all. Let’s get in touch with our story. A…
Funny Goat Enjoys A Ride On A Miniature Horse’s Back
Riding horses does not only attract humans but a lot of animals as well. Dogs, cats, monkeys, goats, etc. they all love the feeling of riding horses and these moments of riding have turned out in amazing friendships. An adorable couple of four-legged friends are taking their friendship to a new level by learning to…