Do you remember the times where you were young and you had a different perspective on life? Everything seemed to be easier at those times, it felt like we could have concerned the world but as we grew up, things get to be more realistic. On the other hand, failure seems more difficult for the…
Queen’s Horses’ Preparations For The Royal Wedding
One of the most important events for the United Kingdom in 2018 that was really popular not only in the country but all over the world was the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Given the fact that Markle is a successful former actress marrying one of the most famous people in the UK,…
Funny Moments Of Horses Merged Together In One Compilation
We all know that being engaged in the horse world comes with a lot of hilarious moments. We watch hundreds of hilarious videos on the internet every day, but this one compilation is definitely one of the best ones ever created. The majority of the mini clips below are popular viral videos on the internet…
Native Americans Explain Their Unique Bond To Horses
Being at a very small percentage (1.6% of the total US population), Native Americans are still keeping their traditions alive in the US and I believe it is the most important cultural heritage of the United States as almost the remaining population isn’t native. A very interesting fact that we had to bring here is…
‘To Ride On A Horse Is To Fly Without Wings’
One of the most famous horse quotes is the one that you just saw in the title,’To ride on a horse is to fly without wings’. Flying represents freedom and I think that a lot of you will agree with this quote. It is something that can’t be explained, but everything about horses, their beauty,…
Unbeatable Horse Decides To Continue The Race Without His Rider
I am pretty sure that a lot of you enjoy watching horse races. To be honest, I believe that it was way more popular a few decades ago compared to this decade but no matter what, there are still a lot of people interested who enjoy watching the horse races. The video itself is quite…
How To Set Up A DSLR Camera To Get The Best Out Of The Horse Photography
Photographing nowadays might be the easiest thing in the world, at least that’s what some people think but make a photo or even a video look the best possible, it is not that easy. That is why photography is a school major in a lot of countries because there is a big gap between good…
This Horse Can’t Be An Event Horse For A Reason
The most talented horses in the equine world are definitely the event horses. For any newcomer here who does not know what does eventing mean, it is is an equestrian event where a single horse and rider combine and compete against other competitors across the three disciplines of dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. All of…
Lenny And His Owner Are Inseparable From Each Other
What does it mean to have a best friend? A best friend is someone who likes spending time with you, accepts you as you are and most importantly, is always there where you need help. A lot of times, it is really difficult to find real-life human examples of the ideal friend, however, it seems…
Helicopter Came Just In Time To Rescue The Fallen Horse
A lot of accidents and natural disasters happening on a daily basis put a lot of people and animals in life-risking situations; that is why there are a lot of rescuers out there whose job is to protect these people/animals who are in danger. The police force, firefighters, animal rescuers, etc, I like to call…