The horse world is getting more and more innovative over time and it comes as a result of people who are very demanding about seeing new things. It is totally understandable, nobody wants to watch the same things over and over again for a long period of time, that is why there is a huge…
Trainers And Horses Deliver A Spectacular Performance
What does it take to train a horse? This is the question that we all have in mind after we get to witness the glory of such performances like the one that you are going to watch in the video below. Can everyone do it? Is it that easy? A lot of questions, indeed. Training…
Young Girl Proves She’s A Born Equestrian
Are you born a rider or do you become one? Well, as for any other discipline, the most talented people have something that we like to call the god-given gift, however, practice is what is most important in my opinion is practice, but even more important is passion. Passion is what keeps you motivated to…
Girl ‘Steals’ A Horse On The Ladies’ Day
International Women’s day is one of the most important days for all the women in the world because it is supposed to be a day when women fight injustice and gender inequality, at least that’s how it was previously. However, things seem to have changed a lot over time. Nowadays, women do not organize protests…
Exciting Compilation Of Queen’s Guards Who Are Thrown From Their Horses
The Queen’s Guard is the name that it has been given to infantry and cavalry soldiers who are in charge of guarding the official royal residences in the United Kingdom. Despite people and more specifically tourist perceptions, the Guards are not purely ceremonial and are fully operational soldiers. In the video below we are showing you different moments throughout the history where…
5 Cases Horse People Face With A Spooky Horse
At the end of the article, you can check out photos of spooky horses! In this article we decided to write about a common problem that all horse owners seem to have is the fact their horses are spooky or have the tendency to become spooky in some specific situations. Spooky in horses dictionary…
Heroic Woman Saves An Injured Koala’s Life From Australia’s Bushfires
You can check out the video at the end of the article! South Australia is having the worst drought in decades which has led to deadly bushfires who have already burned more than 2.5 million acres of Australia’s east coast. A brave woman made a heroic act that led the whole nation to feel…
Lost Horse Found On The Freeway Got The Help She Needed
In this video, we are presented with a horse who is completely lost and is running onto the freeway by putting himself and all the other road users in danger. She was separated from her owner and there was no sign of her anywhere. As it can be seen in the video the lost horse…
Horse Trapped In A Canal Is Finally Saved By People
In the video below you will watch a scared horse who unfortunately fell into a canal but got the attention of so many people around there and they all were thinking of ways to try and save him. This story happened in South Florida and the people who were trying to save the poor horse…
Horse Diving, The Discipline That Influenced ‘Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken’
One of the most famous movies in cinematography that feature horses is definitely ‘Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken’. The movie was inspired by a horse discipline that does not exist anymore (I am not sure if people still do it illegally but it is considered as horse abuse, hence a lot of countries do not…