A great fact is that wild horses run thousands of miles throughout their whole life and if we talk about them about thousands of years ago, it was way easier for them to move from one city/country to another than it is nowadays. Also, domesticating some of them or simply moving them to a more…
Arabian Stallions Heal Distressing In The Syrian Horse Center
A lot of horse centers around the world have been established for a very important cause, heal people who are dealing with a lot of psychological problems and trauma. The source of every problem and disease comes from a person’s psychological standing, hence, trying ways how to change this state of mind is very important….
International Equestrian Show In Finland Is Powered Only By Horse Manure
The continuous advancement of the world has been also associated with a lot of negative effects on the environment, that’s why recently a lot of developed countries are things of using energy from renewable resources because they are believed to be less problematic for the environment and at some point in time, they can prevent…
The Domesticated Horse In Germany Who Loves Living Indoors
It is a little odd for horses to live indoors because horses are animals who like wide spaces and no matter how big your house is, most of the time it won’t be big enough for a horse to be comfortable. On the other hand, some horses have made a total mess when their owners…
Mother And Daughter Go For A Ride Then They Get Scared By Rottweiler
Rottweiler dog is considered as one of the most dangerous dogs because its bite is very powerful, hence, it can cause a lot of damage to other animals or humans. This dog breed needs to be observed continuously and every owner should never let them alone and unchained. Knowing how dangerous Rottweiler is, let’s carry…
Amazing Animals Who Stand Out From The Crowd
Since humans are the most superior species from all the species in the world, all the others are considered to be ‘supportive of humans’. Since the old times, a lot of animals have been domesticated because they were beneficial to humans. It is the same thing nowadays as well but way different when it comes…
Pony Found In The Streets Is Now Living His Best Life
One of the things that makes me so happy is the fact that there are a lot of people and organizations that are willing to help in order to make a change in the horse world. There are a lot of abandoned horses with an uncertain future out there who need immediate help so every…
The Importance Of Farriers And 10 Things We Should Never Say To Them
We are convinced that everyone has heard of a farrier and especially all horse owners know that it’s incredibly important to hire one. But a lot of people have asked us frequent questions about farriers. Today we have decided to give answers to the questions above: -What does a farrier do? -What modern methods are…
Three Horses Were Rescued After An Anonymous Call
We are sharing with you today the touching story of three poor horses who were rescued by an organization named Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue located in Denver, New York. They got an anonymous call who told them that there were some horses across the river who were not in good condition and immediately decided to…
From A Winning Pacer To A Backyard Pet: The Emotional Story Of A Mare
The sad thing about horses which is actually true for human beings as well is the fact that at a certain point in their lives they will be replaced by better horses as they become old. For a certain period, they are the best and they are satisfying all the owner’s need but as soon…